IHOP Operations Plan, Chapter 7: Other Special Ground-Based Instrumentation Operation Frédéric Fabry et al. General overview Instrument deployment and specific issues Information exchange and coordination
IHOP Operations Plan, Chapter 7: Other Special Ground-Based Instrumentation Operation “Other special instruments” are non-mobile and non- scanning radar sensors. Two broad categories: Water vapor remote sensors: Lidars, radiometers, GPS. Support instruments: Profiler, flux towers, FM-CW radar.
IHOP Operations Plan, Chapter 7: Other Special Ground-Based Instrumentation Operation Except for the FM-CW radar, all the instruments are fixed and have few operating modes. It’ll be quick. Water vapor remote sensors: Lidars, radiometers, GPS. Support instruments: Profiler, flux towers, FM-CW radar.
NASA Scanning Raman Lidar (SRL) Scanning lidar: RHI and stares (mostly vertical). Measures water vapor (day/night time range?). Deployed near Lamont? Manned operation (?), unknown schedule. Data probably unavailable in real-time to Ops Center. Will need basic operation schedule from Ops Center, probably nothing more.
NOAA Water Vapor DIAL Fixed-direction lidar. Measures water vapor profiles up to about “several” (TBA) kilometers. Unspecified deployment location. Unattended operation. 24-hr operation. Data can be available with 1-hr delay to Ops Center. Limited or no need for information from Ops Center.
Microwave Profiling Radiometers Vertically pointing. Measures temperature, water vapor profiles up to about 10 km. Existing unit in Lamont; new ones in Haviland (KS) and Neodesha (KS). Automated 24-hr operation. Data can be made available via Web, modem.
GPS Receiver Network for Tomography Array of 24 GPS receivers Measures refractivity N in a ~5x5 km array; water vapor field is derived from N. Array deployed in Lamont area. Automated 24-hr operation Data available within 24 hrs. Additional GPS-related deployments in parallel: SuomiNet, FSL, European group.
NCAR Integrated Sounding System (ISS) Profiler, RASS (mobile?) Measures Z, wind profiles up to a few kilometers, and T up to 1 km. Launch sondes? Near Lamont. Automated 24-hr operation. Data available via Web?
NCAR Surface Flux Facility (ISFF) Set of in-situ sensors making surface (T, wind…) and flux measurements. Nine ISFF requested; no information on deployment. Located where? Automated 24-hr operation. Data available via Web?
U. Mass. FM-CW S-band radar Very high resolution vertically pointing radar. Makes reflectivity (and velocity?) measurements. No information on deployment, nor on its uses. Needs expressed for ABL and CI work. Manned operation; no information on schedule. No real-time data? Funding questionable.
Communications and Exchange Issues Most instruments are automated and have 24-hr operation, independent of events Non issue. Only the Raman lidar and the FM-CW radar will need coordination. I suspect that hours of operation and mission type, with some weather information, are all they will need. Some could use comparisons with airborne sensors. Many can send data; usefulness TBD.
The End