INFN Working Group High Intensity Frontier (HIF)
On November 2003, “Gruppo I”, the INFN Scientific Committee scrutinizing HEP experiments at accelerators, set up a Working Group to study Physics opportunities offered by: new high intensity hadron beams, resulting either by upgrades of the present ones either by new machines
The aim of this Working Group is: to contribute to the Villar Meeting on Autumn to submit specific recommendations to INFN before the end of this year
The study is conducted inside the framework of the present accelerators complex at CERN, taking into account: improvements of the existing facilities the construction of new machines
Inescapable request: Upgrades or new machines must represent a real opportunity to improve the LHC luminosity. LHC represents the absolute priority for INFN
HIF Working Group D. Bettoni S. Malvezzi F. Bossi M.Mezzetto G. Catanesi R. Mussa F. Cervelli P. Migliozzi A. Ceccucci M. Ripani M. Dell’Orso F. Terranova U. Dosselli W. Scandale F. Ferroni M. Sozzi M.Grassi F. Tessarotto E. Iacopini A. Zoccoli G. Isidori
Current ( A) HIPS
The workshop deals with medium and long term opportunities for particle and nuclear physics, offered by high intensity proton sources. Discussions will focus on particle and accelerator physics to investigate new High Intensity Frontiers. Many areas can benefit from high current beams: experiments with kaons and muons (CP violation, Lepton Flavour violation, g-2 and muon EDM measurements) neutrino beams (superbeams, beta-beams and factories) hadron studies (spectroscopy, DIS, structure functions, antiprotons) nuclear physics Present projects for new accelerators will be reported and promising ideas for future proposals will be brought forward.