Learning objectives To recognise how landscape features may influence the location of settlements – NC Level 4c-5c To describe some differing locations of settlements – NC Level – 5c-5a To justify your decisions with reasons – NC Level – 5b-6c Keywords: site factor, defensive, wet/dry point
Your task You are going to work in groups of three or four You will be given a sheet of paper There are five possible sites labelled A to E – Score 3 if the site is good for a factor (e.g. Very sheltered) – Score 2 if the site is OK for a factor (e.g. Quite sheltered) – Score 1 if the site is poor for a factor (e.g. No shelter at all)
Things to consider Dry land Water supply Defence from attack Shelter Aspect Food supply Resources Transport
Your task You are Vikings that have visited the magical land of Britain You have come back to the chiefs in your village and you need to convince the chiefs that your site is the best
Success Criteria – You have 12 minutes to create your speech in pairs LevelLevel Criteria 6Explain the good points of your site in detail Say why other sites are not very good` Use lots of persuasive language Describe how the bad points can be overcome 5Explain the good points of your site Use some persuasive language Describe how the bad points can be overcome 4Describe the good points of your site Use a little persuasive language
The Grading!! – Level – Level – Level 4 Less you will be beheaded