Today: Finish the Graphic Organizer - Hand in work from last week! (including extra credit)
Do Graphic Organizer – Summary Statement Tomorrow! You may do the Terms and Names for Extra Credit (3 points per term!)
1. The land of Mesopotamia Fertile crescent – “Land Between The Two Rivers” – Mesopotamia Tigris and Euphrates provide water and fertilizer (silt) 2. Environmental Challenges Unpredictable flooding No natural barriers Limited natural resources 3. Solving Problems Irrigation ditches Built walls Trade d grain for raw materials (like trees and metal) 1. Priests and Rulers Share Control 2. Sumerians Create City States (Uruk, Lagash, Kish, Ur,) Ziggurat
Finish Graphic Organizer Finish Summary Statements Complete Summary Statements “Analyzing Primary Sources” Questions 1-2 “Main Ideas” #4 Critical Thinking and Writing #7 You may also define the terms for extra credit! (24 Points)
Civilization began to prosper in the city states of Mesopotamia. The Geography of the Fertile crescent helped this prosperity because______. There were also environmental challenges like______. Over time the people of ____ dealt with these challenges. The ______ created city states like ____, ____, and _____. In these cities, ___ and ___ shared control. Over time the cities ____ and the culture and technology they invented spread by the process of _________.
Sumeria culture had many aspects. First,___________. Second, _________. Finally, ___________.
Sumeria saw the first Empire builders. First came _______. Next, came the _______ empire which reached its peak under ____. ______ was famous for the _____- which was a system of laws_____. This system of laws was good because_______.