The Study of the Factors Affecting Entrepreneurship in Sport Habib Honari Associate Professor, Allameh Tabataba`I University
INTRODUCTION Huge numbers of sporting events an increase in entrepreneurial processes in sports and events Business entrepreneurship The understanding of the opportunities and challenges for entrepreneurship The researchers sought to answer the question that the factors influencing entrepreneurship in sports country?
What are factors influencing entrepreneurship in sports country? Factors Affecting the Entrepreneurial Process Entrepreneurship in Sport and Its Various Dimensions The Economic Dimension of Entrepreneurship In Sport The Cultural Dimension and Social Entrepreneurship In Sport The Political Dimension of Entrepreneurship In Sport Factors Influencing the Need for Entrepreneurship in Sport
Research Methodology sports management and entrepreneurship professors in public universities in Tehran and managers of Physical Education Organization (n=64). Data analysis was performed using SPSS software and Friedman test was used to prioritize factors.
Research Finding service record Percentage distribution data "service record" sample research shows.
Entrepreneurial opportunities in sport Title RankMean Rank Sports professionals in the Physical Education Organization There are sports federations There are sports bodies There is the Physical Education Organization There are strategic documents of the country sports Hold seminars and congresses Physical Education and Sports Science Entrepreneurship and employment in the Office There are the Physical Education Organization There are educated people Physical Education and Sports Science Increase scientific and technological level of sports in the country Domestic and overseas media coverage and satellite sports events
Examine the barriers to entrepreneurship in sport Title RankMean Rank Not efficient and frequent management changes in short periods Lack of performance-based reward system and encourage entrepreneurs in sports The lack of meritocracy in determining sports administrators Mismatch of jobs and skills in the organizational structure of Physical Education and Sport Weakness in attracting sponsors Diversity policies and the conflict between them in sport management The gap between planning policies and practices in public and private organizations in sports The lack of a strategic plan for entrepreneurship in sport Lack of research and using the results of scientific research projects Sport Ineffectiveness of traditional methods of management in sports
Conclusion government supports the development of small businesses. several which are backgrounds in sport entrepreneurship. there are major problems of entrepreneurship in the management and planning sport.
Suggestion Must related managers their educations to physical education. Administrative barriers set up new businesses and entrepreneurial activities, sports. Placement of major sporting events in private sector. Establishment and strengthening of relationships with industry, universities, sports centers. Sports professionals and development support applied research.