Ways to reduce energy Alondra & Miriam 12A
● Seldom used used appliances, like an extra refrigerator in basement or garage that contain a few items. ● One of the main ones is unplug your charger when you are not charging your phone,computer,games, etc. ● Another way is use power strips in the home,theatre equipments, and stereos. When you are not using them. ● Consumption can be equivalent to 75 or 100 watt light bulb. ● PDA’s, digital cameras,cordless tools and other personal gadgets. ● If you use this essential economic ways to reduce energy, you may save around $10 dollars every month on your utility bill. ● These are just some of the economic ways to unplug and save energy. Unplug!!!
● Enable the “sleep mode” in the computer, it allows it to use less power during periods of inactivity. ● Also configure your computer to “hibernate” it turns the computer off so in a way it does not require you to reload everything when you switch it back on. ● When you also allow it to hibernate it saves energy, and is more time efficient. ● When you are also done for the day allow it to shut down, there is some problems when people leave it on, even when it happens to be without use. ● So always no matter what be efficient and economic when using the computer. Set computers to sleep and hibernate
● Plug electronics into a power strip, then turn the strip off when not in use to save energy costs. ● Look for energy star-qualified tv, They are up to 30% more efficient than non-certified models. ● You can also consider buying a laptop, next time you are looking to buy a new computer. They use less energy than desktop computers. ● Avoid energy vampires, even when they are turned off, home electronics in “standby” mode use energy to power some features like the clock displays. Electronics
● Close your exterior doors and windows, tightly when the Ac is on. ● Close unused air vents, if you have central ac you can close the door in some of the rooms you are not using, so you are not paying to cool them. ● Use ceiling fans, to cool off for less, the ceiling fans use no more electricity than a light bulb. ● Install a programmable thermostat to adjust your temperature during the day, by turning it down 10 degrees for 8 hours not only will it save energy but reduce your energy bill by 10% ● Plant trees to provide shade on the sunny side of the home. ● Close windows at night, open them during the day Cooling
● Cover all the bare floors, carpeting or rugs can add the comfort and heat retention, especially if there is little or no floor insulation. ● Limit the use to portable heaters, they are really great for “spot” heating by running a 1,500-watt heater for a long time can be really expensive. ● Raise the temperature slowly, that way it keeps your bill lower. Quickly raising the heat pump can use up a lot of energy in just seconds. ● Change the filters in your heating system every month for efficiency. ● Lower the thermostat every time you are heading out. There is no need to keep it running if no one is home. ● Close the flue in the fireplace and install glass doors to keep warm air. Heating
● Always wash with cold water, laundry detergent works as well and you will save money and energy. ● Avoid over drying your clothes, it wastes energy and causes statics and wrinkling. ● You can set your dishwasher on economy mode, to use less water and electricity. ● Clean the dryer lint filter before each use to keep the dryer running efficiently. ● Hang dress clothing to air dry on the drying racks, it saves up energy from the dryer. ● Turn off kitchen and bath fans immediately after use. Water Heating
● Buy bulbs for less, this way it can save you some money. ● Recycle your CFL bulbs, recycling your light bulbs could help out for more other things. ● Consider using timers to turn lights on and off during the day. It is one of the really efficient ways to save energy. ● Use motion-detector lights for all your outdoor living, because they are efficient and convenient. ● Replace all the halogen light bulbs, they can get hot enough and cause a fire hazard. With CFL’S they use less energy and don’t get as hot. ● Always make sure you are using the right type of light bulb for any place. Not using the right one is a waste of energy Lighting
● In a typical house, about 20% of the air that moves through the duct system is a lost, due to leaks and poorly sealed connections. ● Decrease the hot water temperature ● Give your boiler regular checks, especially if you haven’t in a couple of years. ● Reuse water coming out of the tap that would drain otherwise. ● Taking a shower instead of a bath uses around 50% less energy. ● Save the water around the house don’t let it go to waste. ● You can lower the electricity bills by using these methods. ● When boiling water, place a lid on top or use a kettle Reduce energy at your house
● Solar panels are the most popular form of the renewable energy today. You can use them to generate heat,electricity,indoor and outdoor living. ● Using a geothermal ground source or heat pump to heat and cool your home. ● You can also buy electricity made from renewable energy like the sun,wind,water plants, and geothermal. ● Installing small wind turbines which range in size from 400 watts to 20 kilowatts. They can provide some electricity to your home. ● Renewable energy helps our planet a lot. ● Renewable energy is used throughtout the whole nation. Renewable Energy
● walk or take a bike ● Car pool o Not much gasoline is used by having car pools ● Take the bus or train o to get to places that might be far ● When buying a car check if it has good milage o If car gets 40 miles per gallon you can drive 10,000 miles a year reducing your annual CO2 emission by 3,300 pounds Transportation
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