Maternity and Children’s Strategic Clinical Network Richard Harris – Network Manager November 2014
Work Programme Reducing perinatal morbidity and mortality and improving maternal outcomes and experience Improving maternal and infant mental health through early identification and expert management Reducing avoidable unplanned hospital admissions for children and young people Palliative and end of life care Long term conditions in children and young people Transition of children and young people to adult services
Network Structure Patient, Carer and Public Engagement Meeting as required to deliver work programme outcomes Meeting every 3 months Maternity and Children’s SCN Steering Group Working Groups – As required by work programme
Stakeholder Engagement Over 150 clinicians, commissioners, third sector and members of the public routinely engaged with the direct development and delivery of the network work programme including: Approx. 100 clinicians from the14 Acute Trusts in the network footprint A network of networks, for example: Paediatric surgery Respiratory network Neonatal ODN Children’s Palliative Care Network