Sally Alexander, Director (Direct) Mona Steinke, Program Assistant OFFICE OF RISK MANAGEMENT & INSURANCE 141A General Services Building Campus Delivery 6002 Front Desk Fax /29/2009PDI - International Travel1 Office of Risk Management & Insurance
12/29/2009PDI - International Travel2 Office of Risk Management & Insurance
International Travel – New Procedures April 1, 2009 Prior to Pre Trip travel Voucher all travelers must register with Risk Management prior to departure All international travel pre trip travel vouchers in academic units require: Dean’s signature BEFORE sent to the Provost’s Office for approval For Administrative units – pre trip travel vouchers require Vice Provost/ Vice President’s signature before it is sent to Provost’s Office 12/29/2009PDI - International Travel3 Office of Risk Management & Insurance
Provost’s Office Proposed Flow Chart for International Travel Approval Process. See ources/faculty_affairs ources/faculty_affairs See Step 2B. 12/29/2009PDI - International Travel4 Office of Risk Management & Insurance
Why Register with Risk Management? 1.Insurance Coverage 2.International emergency response 12/29/2009PDI - International Travel5 Office of Risk Management & Insurance
Improvements in the system since April 1, 2009 Time Period. From 6 weeks notice to 5 to 7 days. Online registration system More efficient, quicker, easy to use. Travel Advisory Waiver Language has been improved. Contact Office of General Counsel if you have questions. 12/29/2009PDI - International Travel6 Office of Risk Management & Insurance
Online registration Select “Int’l Travel Application” Need CSU EID. Who? All CSU Faculty and Employees traveling internationally on CSU business (whether using CSU funds or not.) Either individual travelers, or administrative assistants in charge of pre trip travel. Generate an approval notice to be printed out and attached to pre trip travel voucher for approval. 12/29/2009PDI - International Travel7 Office of Risk Management & Insurance
Countries subject to a US State Department Travel Advisory require EACH traveler to complete and sign a travel advisory waiver, and fax it to Risk Management at For current travel advisories /29/2009PDI - International Travel8 Office of Risk Management & Insurance
Students!!! CSU EID status Where traveler has a student status as recorded in CSU EID notification will be sent to OIP. Students traveling as employees- RM Students traveling internationally as part of their student status – OIP OIP – will require students to complete documentation, and will require a waiver where travel is to a destination subject to a US State Dept Travel Advisory 12/29/2009PDI - International Travel9 Office of Risk Management & Insurance
Sally Alexander, Director (Direct) Mona Steinke, Program Assistant OFFICE OF RISK MANAGEMENT & INSURANCE 141A General Services Building Campus Delivery 6002 Front Desk Fax /29/2009PDI - International Travel10 Office of Risk Management & Insurance
Other contacts: 1.Provost’s Office es/faculty_affairs es/faculty_affairs 2.Travel Services 3.Office of International Programs (for ALL Students) Human Resource Services – Benefits Office – Travel Insurance (for vacation/ personal use, includes spouses.) /29/2009PDI - International Travel11 Office of Risk Management & Insurance