Friday 11 th May 2012 YEAR 11 ASSEMBLY
Sixth Form Induction Day Year 12 induction day – Monday 2 nd July at St. Helier Town Hall, start at 8.45am. Wear 6 th Form dress.
Brighton and Sussex Medical Roadshow 28 th and 29 th August, 9.15am – 5pm At JCG Cost: £25 Details on Y10/11 notice board If interested, name, address, address and contact number to me today please! (or Monday at the latest) Cheques secure place - ASAP
Big Gig in the Park Remember the rules – no alcohol, umbrellas, glass, bottles, mirrors, food or drink can be taken into the park. Every person will be searched Refreshments on sale; stay hydrated St John’s Ambulance Contact security staff if safety issues No difficult behaviour tolerated
Books French text books must be returned by next Thursday, before the reading exam. Mrs Silvestri- Fox will be in the Dome with boxes to collect these from 1– 1.30pm. If any students wish to return their texts before this time they may give them to their teacher or Mrs Silvestri-Fox in C22. School text books must be returned by last exam in each subject!
Lockers Lockers must be cleared by 27 th June at the latest! Keep your belongings in your locker during exams. No books/bags should be left outside the Hall.
Exams If your name is on the intranet, you must see Miss Rheumer promptly. When you come in for exams/study, you must arrive in full school uniform, including blazer.
Studying in school LRC C16 - timetable If you are in school to study while on study leave, but not with a member of staff, you must sign in and out at the school office. If you are working in the LRC or C16 you must do so silently or you will be asked to leave. Teachers Uniform