ICT and Economic Development Nokia’s role in Finland
impacts and risks risks to remember: employment, subcontractors, local economy major share of economic growth and value of exports stock exchange political impacts: welfare state (contribution to the Finnish national economy)?
impacts and risks educational impacts: educational policy (skilled labor) small economy in a global system culture and society: what are the reasons behind this development? mobile labor force Finland as a test case for ICT development; (regulatory and political environment in society)
ICT & Finland Nokia’s R & D share is 20 % of the total R & D expenditure in Finland (without subcontractors’ R & D input) in 1999 Nokia’s export was 20 % total exports in 1999 Nokia contributed with 1 % of the GDP growth as the whole electrotechnical industry contributed with 1.2 % Nokia accounted about 3 % of the total GDP in 1999
ICTs & Finland in product specialization Finland ranks first with telecommunications equipment exports (second is Sweden) and Japan is third Nokia’s share of the total employment in Finland was only about 20 000 but the whole ICT cluster employed in 1998 72 000 people
ICTs and Finland turnover of the ICT cluster was 80 billion FM and Nokia’s share of that was 35 billion FM in 1997 ICT cluster:components and contract manufacturing,(8 billion FM) ICT equipment, networks and related services (57 billion) telecom services (15.5 billion)