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Presentation transcript:


The first tragic dramas Originally the theatre was a holy place, the setting for the cult of Dionysus- the Greek god of wine, fertility and revelry.

Religious rituals evolve into Greek theatre Major celebrations, in honour of the Greek god Dionysus. One of the elements of these celebrations was the dithyramb, a choral ode song to the gods by a chorus of fifty men. Aristotle tell us that Greek tragedy grew out of the dithyramb. Held at festivals in Athens



Theatres 500 BC Outside- hillsides. Acoustics Sunlight


Plots The earliest Greek dramas, especially those by Aeschylus (525-456 BC), drew their plots and characters from Greek myths. Greek mythology is the legends and stories behind the Greek gods.

THESPSIS of Icaria First Actor First Playwright Chorus + 1 actor. Thespsis won the first Greek tragedy contest in 534 BC.

Aeschylus (525-456 BC). Won 13Tragic Contests. Wrote 80 plays - 7 survived…including the only complete trilogy: Oresteia (458 BC). He added the second actor, creating the possibility of dramatic dialogue.



Conventions Men only Masked Stilts Actor Audience Chorus Actors


Chorus acted as a ‘character’ in the play, usually the townspeople. sympathetic to the protagonist. presented the writer's point of view. the ideal spectator, their reaction to a scene would cue the audience on how they should react. broke the drama into five dramatic scenes, each scene was separated from the next by a choral interlude.

Sophocles(496-406 BC)

Sophocles Sophocles won eighteen Tragic Contests. Wrote 120 plays- only 7 have survived. Tragedies Added 3rd Actor


Euripedes Tragedies




Aristophanes Comedies



Aristotle (384 -322 BC. ) Philosopher & critic. He wrote about 100 years after Sophocles major tragedies were produced.

Aristotle’s Poetics Dramatic Theory Content One Plot One Story One Time Language, rhythm and melody Tragedy : characters who are serious, important, and virtuous – Climatic structure. Comedy: characters who are less virtuous, unimportant, undignified, laughable. Episodic structure.

Greek Theatre Is regularly performed today, and not only in Greece. Still relevant to contemporary society.