Copyright Reserved GreenTech Malaysia 1 Project Brief/Summary Project goal is to ensure realization of national green technology policy aspiration and translation of green technology policy objectives and strategic thrusts into implementable actions Baseline study for 9 key sectors namely Energy, Building, Transport, Manufacturing, ICT, Water, Waste Management, Agriculture and Forestry Objectives To propose appropriate policy measures for Green Economy To establish holistic and detailed GTMP framework based on six (6) key enablers viz. human capital, financial incentives, infrastructure, regulatory framework, innovation, and branding. To establish national Key Performance Indicator (KPI) targets, prioritized strategies, comprehensive action plans and specify implementing agencies and timeline for the key sectors Project Fund: RM 3,755,167 Duration: 1/6/2013 – 1/4/2014 Expected Outcomes Key Performance Indicators and Targets for Green Technology Policy Implementation Short Term, Medium, Term and Long Term Timelines for GT programmes Status On-going PROJECT: GREEN TECHNOLOGY ROADMAP REPORTING PERIOD: 1/8/2013 – 31/8/2013
Copyright Reserved GreenTech Malaysia 2 Activities Completed (During reporting period) Draft report on project scoping workshop conducted on 29 July 2013 was prepared Addendum to contract for Baseline study on GT related Regulatory Framework was completely signed by both parties Arrangement for half day workshop “Designing of Green Growth Model for Malaysia” was undertaken Proposal for study mission to United States and Europe on September and November was drafted Preliminary arrangement for conducting Ambassadors High Level Roundtable Dialogue with Minister was undertaken. First meeting with EUMCCI was held on 15 August 2013 Proposal on study of impact of Green Incentives (1 st and 2 nd version) was reviewed by Technical Committee and revised by PwC Proposed scope of work for techno-economic assessments was discussed with MIER on 20 August 2013 % completed: 9 % % funds utilised: 4.45% (RM 167,236 spent out of RM 3,755,167) Activities Planned (For next reporting period) Submission of Project Inception Report Internal Stakeholders Engagement Workshop – preliminary discussion on strategies and detail action plans Finalization of appointment of PwC for study of impact of Green Incentives Contract preparation for study of impact of Green Incentives Finalization of scope of work with MIER Proposal submission from ISIS Appointment of Technical Experts and Editor Submission of draft report by LESTARI PROJECT: GREEN TECHNOLOGY ROADMAP REPORTING PERIOD: 1/8/2013 – 31/8/2013
Copyright Reserved GreenTech Malaysia PROJECT: GREEN TECHNOLOGY ROADMAP REPORTING PERIOD: 1/8/2013 – 31/8/ Impacts of the Project Detail project plans and components were planned which inculcated key enabling factors (Institutional Framework, Financing, R&D and Awareness) Photos of activities for the period of reporting Challenges After the completion of Green Technology Roadmap baseline study for the six sectors in 2011, there are latest development of programmes and initiatives driven by Government and Private sectors. Those developments could have influenced the set of strategies and key focus areas that were determined earlier in the baseline study. Thus, some targets may not be relevance anymore and need to be reviewed. Actions Internal stakeholders engagement workshop need to be conducted to assess latest development and initiatives as well as the impacts from those initiatives. Gaps on the current Initiatives and future action items need to be discussed prior to engagement sessions with external stakeholders. GT Master Plan Project Scoping Workshop, 29 July 2013, Shangri-La Putrajaya