The Importance of being Earnest. Characters are n Mercenary, cynical, and unfeeling. n They lie; they are shallow. n But, we don’t find them repulsive.


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Presentation transcript:

The Importance of being Earnest

Characters are n Mercenary, cynical, and unfeeling. n They lie; they are shallow. n But, we don’t find them repulsive. In fact, we appreciate their wit, their energy. n We suspend our moral judgement and find humor in their irreverence.

Mary McCarthy says: n “The London Roue is artless simplicity beside the dreadnought society dowager, and she, in her turn, is out- brazened by her debutante daughter, and she by the country miss, and she by her spectacles governess.” n Wilde draws us into a moral vacuum and challenges almost everything we take seriously.

The Truth n No one is interested in telling it or hearing it. –Jack lies to Algernon, Algernon lies to Cecily, Cecily lies to Dr. Chasuble. –As Gwendolyn puts it: “In matters of grave importance, style, not sincerity, is the vital thing.” –p Jack

Conventional Morality n Everyone would much rather be and find someone interesting, than do the right thing. –1187, 1188 –He’s redeemed not by virtue of his truthfulness, but because he’s got good taste. Cecily tells him. “You’ve wonderfully good taste,... It’s the excuse I’ve always given for your leading such a bad life.”

Religion n Dr. Chasuble, whose theology is a matter of form: p n What kind of relationship has he had with Ms. Prism? n His flippant attitude toward baptism n Algernon and Jack aren’t exactly reverent about it either. What’s for dinner is more important.

Social Reform n We live, says Gwendolyn, in an age of ideals. The fact is constantly mentioned in the more expensive monthly magazines. n Miss Prism asserts, “I am not in favor of this modern mania for turning bad people into good at a moment’s notice.” n Cecily is skeptical about women who are interested in philanthropic work. She thinks it’s forward of them.

More on Reform -- P n We laugh at the reversal of roles n We laugh at the idea that reform can be undertaken in an afternoon n We laugh, finally, at the value of reform in itself -- to reform is to conform, which is exactly what we do not want these characters to do.

Education n Lady Bracknell objects to anything that “tampers with natural ignorance.” n She claims that “fortunately, Education produces no effect whatsoever in England.” n Cecily knows that her German grammar makes her look plain. n Gwendolyn protests against abstract ideas.

The Surface is it. n Lady Bracknell claims that anything deeper than that must be banished. Doubts about anything must be put down. n P Miller

Heartless Play n George Bernard Shaw, another famous playwright of the late 19th Century, claims that Earnest was Wilde’s “first really heartless play.” n Nothing here is redeemed or redeemable, nothing is taken seriously.

Love and Marriage n Marriage isn’t a very interesting subject. n It’s a business, not a pleasure. n It’s unromantic, leads to unpleasant responsibilities. n Gwendolyn loves Jack even before she meets him -- ridicules the idea of love at first sight by taking it one step backwards.

Women and Power n Gwendolyn is obviously in control in the proposal scene. And more cynical than Jack. n Algernon says he could wait for Cecily, but she won’t have it. P n They’re out for themselves, even more than the men are. n Lady Bracknell’s greed in making marriage arrangement, another example.

Death n Even Death isn’t sacred. n Laughter at Earnest’s supposed death. n Lady Bracknell’s comments on Mr. Bunbury’s death. She is glad “that he made up his mind at the last to some definite course of action.” n The widow who is quite some 20 years younger since her husband’s death.

Existentialist Drama/ Theatre of the Absurd n “Always lurking in the play is a steady contemplation of Nothingness.” –David Parker