Management Authority Shareholders Board of Directors Chief Executive Secretary Managing Agent
Management Authority Shareholders These are owners of company but all shareholders do not share in management Board of Directors The shareholders of the company elect the directors in annual general meeting of the company. All the management of the company is in the hands of Board of Directors.
Management Authority Secretary The secretary performs the secretarial work. The most confidential matters of the company are associated with the company. Chief Executive or Managing Director The board of directors appoint one of its CEO or MD.
General Meetings Statutory Meeting It is the first meeting of a company shareholders. Its objective is to inform shareholders about the affairs of the company. Annual General Meeting It is the open meeting of the shareholders. Shareholders can crticize the policies of the directors and can suggest various methods to solve the problem of the company.
General Meetings Extra Ordinary General Meeting If any problem is created suddenly which cannot be postpone till the next annual meeting is conducted to solve the problem.
Business Combination It is voluntary association of firms for the acheivement of common objectives. To enjoy monopoly advantages Sometimes firm decide to merge themselves.
Business Combination Causes of Business Combination Elimination of competition. To solve capital problem Effective Management Use of technology To face crises Status in market Research Facilities
Business Combination ADVANTAGES Increase in capital Large scale marketing Experts services Research Work Stability
Business Combination DISADVANTAGES Creation of monopoly Chances of conflicts Over capitalization Misuse of funds National interest ignored
Business Combination DISADVANTAGES Creation of monopoly Chances of conflicts Over capitalization Misuse of funds National interest ignored
Business Combination Types of Business Combination Vertical Combination Horizontal Combination Circular Combination Diagonal Combination
Business Combination Vertical Combination When different departments large industrial units combine together. Under the combination of purchasing of raw material to selling of product.
Business Combination Vertical Combination Typing Section Printing Section Binding Section Management
Business Combination Horizontal Combination It is also a voluntary association which two or more than two similar nature business firm combined them selves under the one management. It is called horizontal combination.
Business Combination Vertical Combination Tea Factory A Tea Factory B Tea Factory C Tea Factory D Management
Business Combination Circular Combination When different types of business units combine themselves under one management. Management IT IndustrySoftware Industry Mobile Industry
Business Combination Diagonal Combination When two or more business units perform subsidiary services if they combine under main industry. Food Company Packaging Company Biscuts Industry
Business Combination Vertical Combination Tea Factory A Tea Factory B Tea Factory C Tea Factory D Management
Cooperative Society A cooperative society is an association of individual who voluntarily pool their resources and carry on the business for their own welfare and not for profit seeking business. It is a form of organization in which the consumers are the owners of the business. From manager to clerk all are the owners of business.
Cooperative Society Voluntary Membership. Equal Rights Honesty Mutual Confidence Distribution of profit Self Service Spirit of Love and Cooperation
Cooperative Society ADVANTAGES Mutual Cooperation Financial Assistance Less Expenditure Equal Rights. DISADVANTAGES Lack of capital Lack of experience Absence of discipline