Presentation to VINCE Face-to-Face Counselling Service 24 th March 2011
Who Are We? Counselling service operating in Liverpool & Manchester Operating since October 2009 Offer Counselling to Visually Impaired clients & relatives affected by sight loss From point of diagnosis and beyond Presenting issues do not have to be sight loss itself
Why? Identified a need Waiting list for local counselling services Crucial part of our service delivery model Emotional support – is a core component of what we do
How are we funded? Grant Funded 3 years through Third Sector Investment Fund Have to look at alternative funding to sustain project GP Commissioning Local Authorities Further Grant Fund Employee Assistance Programmes etc
How are we doing? Person Centred model is working CORE evaluation tool - data not yet analysed but prelim results show improvement & therapeutic movement Brief interventions Quality of therapy not quantity of clients! 150 referrals 50 clients engaged 30% newly diagnosed 30% sight loss diagn > 6 months ago 20% congenital sight impairment
Client Issues Loss of role Loss of self Fear of future Adjustment as sight deteriorates Discrimination Bereavement Relationships Denial, uncertainty, resentment, anger, frustration Depression
Referrers Action staff28% ROVI25% ECLO13% Self referral11% Other*22% * LVSB, Social Workers, Medical etc
Barriers Source of clients – not a ready referral point in Not being part of clinical pathway Perception of profession Counselling as a concept – older people Client ownership, territorial nature of competing services Professional resistance – Person centred model Strategic effort needs as much as therapeutic service – balancing act, work in progress Chicken or egg – volunteers Geographical
Solutions Based in local voluntary society and in Sensory service Negotiation with eye hospital to work collaboratively Regularly revisit marketing plans Shadowing other professionals to build relationships Home visits curtailed - resources / client autonomy Establish service before taking volunteers
Things to Think about Check list for setting up a service Where are the clients - who will be your referrers? Are there any competing counselling services? How embedded are you? Have you mapped your pathways? Do referrers understand how your service fits? Do you have a plan for networking & promotion?