Data Studio
When you start the computer, you may get the message below. Close it by clicking on the x.
Close this as well.
Start/All Programs/Physics/Data Studio/Data Studio
If you get the following dialog, click No.
Click on the Create Experiment icon
Plug the device into the appropriate channel. For example, Digital Channel 1 for a Smart Pulley. Then click on the icon for that channel shown below. If you don’t get a “ready” message, then try restarting the computer. Make sure the interface is on before the computer.
Select the device you are using from the dialog box, then click OK.
Select the quantities you want to measure.
Click the Start button to begin recording data
Click the Stop button to and a recording session
Double click on the Table icon in the lower left-hand corner. Then choose the desired data from the dialog box. And click OK.
Click the Clock icon to get the time data if it is missing or to remove the time data if it present and undesired.
Go to Edit/Copy on the menu.
Open Excel and go to Edit/Paste on its menu.
Data pasted into Excel