What the birdie told me How to Tweet, Post, and Pin Your Way to Entrepreneurial Success by: Lawrence Watkins
My Core Message Social media allows normal people to have the opportunity to gain enormous reach and influence. If you learn how to effectively implement a great social media & technology strategy, you can grow your business by leaps and bounds in less time.
What Has Social Media Done for Me?
I Can Follow My Passion I Have Freedom Over My Time I Choose to Work With My Big Brother My Cousin Chooses To Work with Me
What I am NOT: Not Old Not Rich Not Extroverted Not a Social Media Genius
I AM: Someone who was able to take advantage of opportunities presented to me in a time of great technological change.
Life Wasn’t Always This Way 2005 Engineering Student Here: When I Discovered This: Principle: You never know where your new skills will come from to help you compete in the future.
Took A Monumental Leap of Faith… My parents thought I was living like this: When I was really living like this:
Time to Get to Work Principle: Create an effective learning routine to develop your skills and see opportunities snowball. LearnTestAnalyze My Cycle of Success
Launch of Great Black Speakers Competing against old and established companies Already have a lot of money, customers, manpower, influential people, and brand value What I Was Up Against: Bottom Line: I would have been crushed if I had competed by their rules.
…But, Things Were Changing No one was answering their phones. No one was responding to mass s. Direct mail was becoming less effective. Less people were going to trade shows.
My New Formula of Success SEO + Social Media = Success
Part II: How-To…
Two Things I Want to Hug Pareto’s Law: 80% of your results comes from 20% of your effort
The Importance of Brand Snooki From Jersey ShoreToni Morrison
Know What You Are Selling To The Core Great Black Speakers: To become an information disseminator that delivers powerful messages to the masses. Ujamaa Deals: To consolidate the buying power of the black community and transfer that wealth back to black businesses.
Three Pillars of Social Media Marketing Design Distribution Content
Content: The Fuel That Makes Your Business Run Goals: Engage & Action Great Content = Great Information + Great Emotion
Types of Content That Gets Shared Photos Quotes Infographics Blog Posts Offers/Contests Videos 20% Created By You 80% Shared By You
Examples of Sharable Content
Distribution: If a Tree Falls In The Forest… What good is a good message if no one can hear it?
3 Rules of Distribution 1.Use the same distribution channels used by your ideal customers. 2.Focus your energy in one channel first and then expand from there. 3.Be consistent with your posts. It’s hard to gain momentum once it is gone.
Design = Credibility & Trust GBS in 2007GBS in 2012
Conclusion We are all competing in the marketplace of ideas and everyone here has the ability to have their ideas heard.
But, You Have to: Work smart Work hard Take advantage of your opportunities Stay current as the world is always changing