The P/ACE Advantage Plankton Size/Functional Type/Community Structure – Direct link to BGC models, biomass/rate partitioning, – Use hyperspectral observations of R rs (λ) (incl. near-UV) Advanced Atmosphere Correction – Absorbing aerosols (a HUGE problem in the coastal ocean!!) – Use 345 nm as dark pixel bridging aerosol corrections to the NIR CDOM Separation – CDOM is the dominant optical property affecting ocean color and it contaminates ecosystem/BGC retrievals – Bands at 360 and 380 nm will allow robust CDOM retrievals Chlorophyll Fluorescence – Physiological health using fluorescence emission spectra
Essential OPCC Variables (1) PFT/PSD (biomass partitioning, size, function, …) – HPLC analyses, cell counts, flow cyto/cams, etc. NPP (biomass partitioned) – 14 C/ 13 C, GPP-R A, μPhytoC, etc. NCP (export potential) – ΔO2/Ar, PS vs. R T, Δ(something)/Δt, gas tension, new production (15N), NPP-R H, etc. Export & Flux Attenuation – Sediment traps, radioisotopes ( 234 Th), AOUR, mass balances, camera, PFTs, pumps, etc.
Essential OPCC Variables (2) Surface pCO 2 and pH – Rik/Steve/Joe – Direct observation Air-Sea CO 2 and O 2 fluxes – Joe/ – ΔpCO 2 /ΔO 2 + wind + solubility model, atmosphere/ocean inversions Calcification – 14C (microdiffusion), ΔPIC/Δt, ΔTAlk/ΔDIC, N2 fixation – 15N2 incorporation, acetylene reduciton, Zehr…
Assumptions Supporting measurements / modling infrastructure – MLD, SST, winds, SSH, salinity, horizontal currents, model assessment of vertical water mass exchanges in the upper 500 m, etc. – Need Physical/BGC assimilative capabilities to use ACE obs to get at OPCC essential variables – Need to push the physicists to get what we need (OCB Clivar)
Field / Modeling Studies Needed to Develop Robust “Paths” Intercomparison of NPP, NCP, GPP, export, R i, etc. rate measurements and in a Lagrangian frame assessing DelSomething/Dt Q = How is the biological pump changing? Q = What are the interactions among GPP, NPP, NCP and export across a diversity of time evolving ecosystems? – ACE mission support – Interagency Carbon Cycle Working Group… PFT intercomparison exercise – HPLC, cell counts, cameras, spectroscopy, backscatter, – Provide PFTs in form to be used by modelers System simulation experiments – comparing sateliite/in situ data uncertainties propagate to OPCC variables Long line process observation of appropriate variables – Clivar, AMT and other opportunities Airborne Lidar intercomparison work