Political problems at my school (P3) 戴群 北京一零一中学


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Presentation transcript:

Political problems at my school (P3) 戴群 北京一零一中学

Curriculum focus: Cross-cultural awareness: experiencing a new culture Language skills: scanning to find the required details, knowing how to use the new words, imagination

1.If you are to study abroad alone, what do you think you will need most? 2. What do you expect your new friends to be like? 3. What will you do to make yourself popular? Pre-reading

The writer is a _______ student who is now studying in ______,________. She met a girl from ________ on her ____ day to school. Though they will probably go to school together for the next whole _______, the writer ________ like her. 1. Please read the passage quickly for the first time and fill in the blanks with the information you find. Chinese YorkBritain Taiwan first year doesn’t While reading

2. Please read the passage again and finish the following exercises. 1)In her first week in the UK, the writer did all these except _____________. A. read Harry Potter while eating biscuits B. visited York C. went to school for an introduction tour D. slept for eight hours every night 2) The introduction tour is held for ___________. A. all the foreign students from Asia B. all the students who will study in the school C. the teachers as well as the students D. all the students from other countries

3) Which of the following is true about the girl “J”? A. She arrived in the UK on the same day as the writer. B. She had a pleasant talk with the writer. C. She chose at least three subjects. D. She definitely will not discuss politics with the writer. 4) Which of the following things hurt the writer most? A. The rainy weather in the UK. B. The girl’s words “Chinese and Taiwanese”. C. Feeling guilty about her relaxation. D. Coming across J five times.

3. Fill in blanks with the proper word or phrase. guilty reception appeal to buddy showing sb around guilty buddies showed me around reception appeal to 1)Facing the pitiful parents of the injured boy, the driver lowered his head with a _____ look on his face. 2)Do you know Jim? He and I are _______ at school. 3) While I was in Britain, my host mum often _________________ the local museums. 4) If you want to get further information, you can ask the girl behind the ________ desk. 5) I simply don’t understand why computer games __________ youngsters.

Looking through the window of my room, I can see the clouds here are much lower than those at home … Grammar focus: e.g. Hearing the news, he jumped with joy. Not knowing her telephone number, I can’t call her. Having finished his work, he went out with his friends. 现在分词(短语)可在句子当中作 时间状语、原因状语、方式或伴随状语、 结果状语等,其逻辑上的主语为主句的主语。

Exercises: 1.The secretary worked late into the night, _______________________________. ( 为总统准备演 讲稿) 2.He stood on one leg, ______________________( 靠在 墙上 ) , while he took off his shoe. 3.__________________________. ( 他跑着到我们这边来) 4. My train started at six, ________________________. ( 10 点到达纽约) 5. In Sydney the Chinese team got 28 gold medals, __________________________________________. (在所有参赛国家中名列第三) preparing a speech for the president leaning against the wall He came running towards us arriving in New York at ten ranking third of all the competing countries

2. Group work: Work in groups of four and discuss what will probably happen afterwards. Write a report of your discussion. Post-reading 1.Pair work: Imagine you are the writer and the other is the girl from Taiwan. This is your first day to school and you meet each other at the bus station at 7:50am. What will you talk about?
