Heather Boczar Favorite Color: Blue Favorite Food: Anything Italian Favorite T.V. Show: Sex and the City, Friends Favorite Season: Winter Favorite Subject: Art Favorite Book: Harry Potter Favorite Place: Savannah, GA Favorite Song: “Uptown Girl” Billy Joel Favorite Activity: Photography Favorite Person: Taylor – my niece Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving
My Personal Number Museum Birthday: March 8, 1986 Height in Inches: 61 Time you were born: 3:40pm Phone Number: Address Number: 4117 Favorite Number: 17 Shoe Size: 8
My Special Event – Going to Tennessee I have lived in Florida my whole life and the only place I have been to outside of Florida is the southern part of Georgia. This summer I went to Chattanooga, TN with a friend and it was quite the experience. We were in a car accident, saw a prisoner shackled to a table in Wendy’s, and ran over a huge tire on I-75. Tennessee was absolutely beautiful though and I hope to go back one day…Next time I think I’ll fly!
5 Things I Want My Class To Know About Me I am extremely stubborn I am extremely stubborn I have a kitty named Pumpkin I have a kitty named Pumpkin I have 4 brothers & 1 sister I have 4 brothers & 1 sister I love photography I love photography I love to play card games I love to play card games
My Fall Semester Goals Please write three goals you have for the fall semester. Goals are things you want to happen this year. Goals are promises you make to yourself. You will be working towards these goals all year. 1. Not to procrastinate on readings/projects 2. Get at least a 3.5gpa 3. Have Fun!!!