Social Committee - Performance Management Reporting: Quarter 2 Guide to reporting Overall performance for Q2 Key Service Priorities 2007/08 Other performance indicators Half-yearly BVPI health check
Guide to Reporting = Work is on target to achieve the objectives as specified. = Warning that the achievement of the target in the way specified in the plan may not be possible or the outturn is <10% from the target. Although no decision is required at this stage to amend the action, an explanation is required. = Target is no longer achievable in the way specified or the outturn is >10% from the target. This requires a decision about remedial action. Direction of travel for the previous quarter (not applicable to Key Service Priorities in Q1 as these are new for this financial year).
Key Service Priorities: Social Committee
Social Committee (cont’d) There are 2 actions at: Housing *To develop a policy in relation to adaptations for tenants with disabilities that strikes a reasonable and sustainable balance between the financial contributions of the Council and the RHA –Discussions are in progress. Older People *To agree by October 2007 a four year strategy for services for older people. –Strategy now being delivered through a series of separate reports. –Report on Routecall and Meals on Wheels agreed in November 2007 There are no actions at:
Half Yearly BVPIs Health Check Social Committee There are 5 BVPIs Reducing Housing Needs: a) Starts on site for 2007/08 (completion 2008/09). The 2007/08 target is 89. However, a target of 7 was set for Q1 and this target was achieved. BV 213: Preventing homelessness. 2007/08 target is 130 cases, progress as at 30 September was 64 cases. BV 64: Vacant dwellings returned to occupation / demolition. 2007/08 target is 65 dwellings, half yearly progress was 24 dwellings. The half yearly target was missed by 5.
Half Yearly BVPIs Health Check Social Committee (cont’d) BV 226a: Advice & Guidance Service (Total amount spent by the authority on advice and guidance services provided by external organisations. 2007/08 target is £126,370, half yearly progress was £38,548. Target likely to be achieved by year end. BV 226c: Advice & Guidance Service (Total amount spent on advice and guidance in the areas of housing, welfare benefits and consumer matters that is provided directly by the authority to the public. 2007/08 target is £383,965, progress as at September was £213,471. Target likely to be met by year end. There is 1 BVPI at: BV 202: The number of people sleeping rough on a single night within the area of the authority. 2007/08 target is 1, progress as at September was 2.