DEMOCRITOS DEveloping the MObility CRedits Integrated platform enabling travellers TO improve urban transport Sustainability Grant agreement no The results for the Genoa case study TRT Trasporti e Territorio srl DEMOCRITOS final conference Genoa
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa The local context of application Genoa Capital of the Liguria region, about inhabitants Located between sea and mountains, with a long and narrow coastline: lack of space and absence of alternative routes for road network During morning peak hour: PT 43%, car 34%, moto 12% Despite PT use, motorized private vehicle still perceived as favourite mode almost 50 % of population older than 15 years owner of a two-wheeler vehicle
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa Toward the implementation of the MCP Pricing strategies and available technology Mobility management in Genoa: LTZ access control in the area of the historic City Center, etc. Identification and assessment of the current and future technology infrastructure (sensor networks, GHG wallet, etc.): all main technologies already available to implement a more complex transport policies as MCP Acceptability and legal issues, as well as availability of alternative modes of transport To raise awareness in the citizens, to be pursued working on the cultural background Importance of the PT offer and the availability of adequate private- public interchange facilities
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa The modelling applications for simulating the MCP The tool designed for Genoa MCP tool (simulating reactions to the mobility credits) and transport network model (iterative run) MCP implementation at 2011 Run from 2006 to 2020 with the MCP tool Both cars and motorcycles affected by the MCP Free credits distributed evenly to all individuals older than 18 years resident in the Province of Genoa
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa The modelling applications for simulating the MCP Scenarios definition Differentiated by Mobility Area of implementation (wide / narrow) Credit consumption differentiated by distance travelled, Euro Standard (other leverages available) Externality reduction target (-20% and –50%), defining the sustainable (maximum) credit budget threshold Different free credit budget per individual and extra- credit cost
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa The modelling applications for simulating the MCP Mobility Area: wide (Genova Municipality) Narrow (around City center, 5 zones) Population >18 ind.Population >18 ind. (in the Province ind.) AM peak hour: Trips Trips Private mobility 41% (10% moto) Private mobility 30% (9% moto)
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa Main scenario results Summary results of the scenarios
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa Main scenario results Private mobility variation and reactions to MCP Variety of results depending on the Externality reduction target and the area of application (from –3% with narrow area+soft target to –35% with wide area+strong target) Narrow scenarios can obtain consistent results, but with strong target assumptions and consumption rules The trend of the mobility reduction over time is decreasing when credit consumption and purchase depend on car emission standard (renewal of the fleet) Reduction of private mobility is due to suppression of trips or shift to public transport mode: only for wide scenarios, where a huge amount of trips is involved in the MCP, individuals react suppressing a share of their trip
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa Main scenario results Sc A1 wide, soft target (–20%) Private mobility variation in the Municipality at 2013: -8.4% Average quarterly expenditure = 48€ Local authority revenues = 11 Mio €
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa Main scenario results Externality variation Impact on pollutant emissions (from private mobility), related to mobility reduction (up to –36% for strong target scenarios) Impact on congestion (average time per trip) depends also on the configuration of mobility and road network: minor effect in the case of Genoa (about –2%)
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa Main scenario results Other findings Two degrees of freedom to set the MCP (charge intensity/differentiation and sustainable credit budget threshold) Warning on required improvement of public transport service in “extreme” scenarios (shift of 15/20% of demand) Distributing free credits not evenly to increase the acceptability for residents in the MA (which would be otherwise penalized more than others): same impact, but different distribution of the expenditure Comparison to pure road pricing: more flexible, increased equity (and acceptability)
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa Thanks for your attention! Francesca Fermi (TRT)
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa Scenario results in Genova Comparison with pure cordon pricing (narrow MA) (1.15 euro per trips, with lower charge for motorcycle and during weekend)
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa Scenario results in Genova Distributing free credits not evenly
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa Scenario results in Genova Land-use impacts in the long term Feedback from the Mobility Credit model to the Land use model: Rules of consumption differentiation: affecting accessibility (distribution phase) Average expenses for Extra-Credit by population group: affecting the household budget, therefore the choice of location (generation phase)
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa Policy tests/Scenarios definition Genoa case study: common scenarios Sustainable Externality Load Rules of Consumptions Externality Load Mobility Budget / pers Base Credit value Wide area Sc. A1 Soft (80% of BAU Externality Load) Distance, Euro Standard GHG + congestion + pollutants Sc. A2 Strong (50% of BAU Externality Load) DistanceGHG Sc. A3 Strong (50% of BAU Externality Load) Euro StandardGHG Narrow area Sc. B1 Soft (80% of BAU Externality Load) Euro StandardGHG + congestion + pollutants Sc. B2 Strong (50% of BAU Externality Load) Euro StandardGHG + congestion + pollutants Sustainable Externality Load Rules of Consumptions Externality Load Mobility Budget / pers Base Credit value Wide area Sc. A1 Soft (80% of BAU Externality Load) Distance, Euro Standard GHG + congestion + pollutants 27 credits 1.15 euro Sc. A2 Strong (50% of BAU Externality Load) DistanceGHG17 credits 0.10 euro Sc. A3 Strong (50% of BAU Externality Load) Euro StandardGHG17 credits 0.10 euro Narrow area Sc. B1 Soft (80% of BAU Externality Load) Euro StandardGHG + congestion + pollutants 9 credits1.15 euro Sc. B2 Strong (50% of BAU Externality Load) Euro StandardGHG + congestion + pollutants 5 credits1.15 euro
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa Policy tests/Scenarios definition Genoa case study: local scenarios Sustainable Externality Load Rules of Consumptions Externality Load Additional element Wide area Sc. A1- car Soft (80% of BAU Externality Load) Distance, Euro Standard GHG + congestion + pollutants Car demand only Sc. A3- flex Strong (50% of BAU Externality Load) Euro StandardGHGFlexible SML Sc. A4- major 75% of BAU Externality Load Time period, PT quality, Distance GHGGHG reduction within package of externality Narrow area Sc. B1- Res Soft (80% of BAU Externality Load) Euro StandardGHG + congestion + pollutants Distribution not evenly Sc. B2- land Strong (50% of BAU Externality Load) Euro StandardGHG + congestion + pollutants Land-use impacts
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa Scenario results in Genova Mode split at 2013 – working day
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa Scenario results in Genova Reactions of private passenger demand (affected by the MCP) at 2013 – Narrow area
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa Scenario results in Genova Private mobility variation (% on total demand)
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa The modelling applications for simulating the MCP Private mobility variation and reactions to MCP Sc B2 narrow, strong target (–50%) Private mobility variation in the Municipality at 2013: -11.7% Average quarterly expenditure = 6€
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa Scenario results in Genova Average expenditure for Extra-credits purchase by population group (high/low income) at 2013
DEMOCRITOS DEMOCRITOS Final conference Genoa Content of the presentation The local context of application Toward the MCP implementation The modelling applications for simulating the MCP Main findings of the MCP for the Genoa case study