MATTEO VIEL THE LYMAN- FOREST AS A COSMOLOGICAL PROBE Contents and structures of the Universe – La Thuile (ITALY), 19 March 2006
80 % of the baryons at z=3 are in the Lyman- forest baryons as tracer of the dark matter density field IGM ~ DM at scales larger than the Jeans length ~ 1 com Mpc optical depth: ~ ( IGM ) 1.6 T -0.7
GOAL: the primordial dark matter power spectrum from the observed flux spectrum Tegmark & Zaldarriaga 2002 CMB physics z = 1100 dynamics Ly physics z < 6 dynamics + termodynamics CMB + Lyman Long lever arm Constrain spectral index and shape Relation: P FLUX (k) - P MATTER (k) ?? Continuum fitting Temperature, metals, noise Maximum sensitivity of WMAP
3000 LOW RESOLUTION LOW S/N 30 HIGH RESOLUTION HIGH S/N SDSSLUQAS SDSS vs LUQAS McDonald et al. astro-ph/ Kim, Viel et al. 2004, MNRAS, 347, 355
DM STARS GAS NEUTRAL HYDROGEN m = 0.26 = 0.74 b = H 0 = 72 km/sec/Mpc - 60 Mpc/h 2x400 3 GAS+DM 2.5 com. kpc/h softening length GADGET –II code COSMOS computer – DAMTP (Cambridge)
DATA 27 high res z~2.125 QSO spectra 3000 QSO spectra z>2.2 THEORY: SIMULATIONS full hydro simulations `calibrated’ simulations THEORY: METHOD 3D flux inversion 1D flux modelling ADVANTAGES band power large redshift range DRAWBACKS only z=2.1 (and 2.72) and 34 parameters modelling larger error bars RESULTS no large running, scale invariant, `high’ power spectrum amplitude LUQAS SDSS
Cosmological implications: combining the forest data with WMAP SDSS Seljak et al 8 = 0.93 ± 0.07 n=0.99 ± 0.03 8 = 0.90 ± 0.03 n=0.98 ± 0.02 n run = ± n run =-0.033± d n s / d ln k Viel, Weller, Haehnelt, MNRAS, 2004, 355,L23 Viel, Haehnelt, Springel, MNRAS, 2004, 354, 684 Seljak et al In the Seljak analysis WMAP+Ly- constrains running three times better than WMAP+all the rest
SDSS Seljak et al r < 0.45 (95% lim.) r = 0.50 ± 0.30 T/S = T/S V = inflaton potential Viel, Weller, Haehnelt, MNRAS, 2004, 355, L23 Inflation and dark energy
WMAP I + Lyman- high-res WMAP III + Lyman- high-res (credit: Antony Lewis) Tension between WMAP3 and high resolution Lyman-a… 1.5 discrepancy for SDSS it could be worse… WMAP + LUQAS (high res) sample New COSMOMC version with WMAP3 and Lyman- downloadble 8 = 0.87 ± 0.04 n = 0.97 ± 0.04 n run (0.002 Mpc -1 )= ± 0.030
SDSS analysis Seljak et al. 2005, PRD best fit amplitude from SDSS Lyman-a and WMAP1 is 3.5 off the new WMAP3 value WMAP + SDSS flux power constraints Best fit WMAP3
SMALL SCALE POWER Warm dark matter ? New observational results from dwarf galaxies Neutrinos ? Isocurvature ?
Cosmological implications: Warm Dark Matter particles CDM WDM 0.5 keV 30 comoving Mpc/h z=3 MV, Lesgourgues, Haehnelt, Matarrese, Riotto, PRD, 2005, 71, k FS ~ 5 T v /T x (m x /1keV) Mpc -1 k FS ~ 1.5 (m x /100eV) h/Mpc In general if light gravitinos Set by relativistic degrees of freedom at decoupling
Cosmological implications: WDM, gravitinos, neutrinos Set limits on the scale of Supersymmetry breaking susy < 260 TeV m WDM > 550 eV m grav < 16 eV > 2keV sterile neutrino m (eV) < 0.95 (95 %C.L.) WMAP + 2dF + LY WDM CWDM (gravitinos) neutrinos
Can sterile neutrinos be the dark matter ? Seljak et al. a-ph/ Abazaijan a-ph/ Biermann & Kusenko PRL 2006,96, Molecular hydrogen and reionization - X-Ray backgrounds - Flux power evolution Flux power 2 < m (KeV) < 8 m (KeV) > 14 Increasing z
M sterile neutrino > 10 KeV 95 % C.L. SDSS data only 8 = 0.91 ± 0.07 n = 0.97 ± 0.04 Fitting SDSS data with GADGET-2 this is SDSS Ly- only !!
Isocurvature perturbations Beltran, Garcia-Bellido, Lesgourgues, Viel, 2005, PRD, D72, :isocurvature fraction at k=0.05 Mpc -1 :quantifies correlation between ISO and ADIABATIC modes No iso Only iso Fully correlated Anti correlated n iso =1.9 ± % C.L. This is a model in agreement with WMAP3! n ad =0.95 n iso =3 n ad = 0.95 n iso =2
SUMMARY Cosmological parameters: Lyman- points to 8 = 0.9 n = 0.98 little running substantial agreement between SDSS and LUQAS but SDSS has smaller error bars (factor ~ 2), due to the different theoretical modelling and wider range of redshift probed by SDSS Constraints on inflationary models, isocurvature, neutrinos and WDM have been obtained From high res Lyman- : gravitinos + Dark matter and isocurvature Models are in agreement with WMAP3 Other measurements using Lyman- based on different methods give the same answer (Zaroubi et al. 2005, Viel & Haehnelt 2006), systematics are now in better control Lyman- forest is a complementary measurement of the matter power spectrum and can be use to constrain cosmology together with the CMB – TENSION with WMAP 3
Mean flux Effective optical depth = exp (- eff ) Power spectrum of F/ Low resolution SDSS like spectra High resolution UVES like spectra
Thermal state T = T 0 ( 1 + ) Statistical SDSS errors on flux power Thermal histories Flux power fractional differences
Numerical modelling: HPM simulations of the forest Full hydro 200^3 part. HPM NGRID=600 HPM NGRID=400 FLUX POWER MV, Haehnelt, Springel, astro-ph/
Hydro-simulations: what have we learnt? Many uncertainties which contribute more or less equally (statistical error seems not to be an issue!) Statistical error4% Systematic errors~ 15 % eff (z=2.125)=0.17 ± % eff (z=2.72) = ± % = 1.3 ± % T 0 = ± K 3 % Method5 % Numerical simulations8 % Further uncertainties5 % ERRORS CONTRIBUTION TO FLUCT. AMPL.
Constraints on the evolution of the effective optical depth 8 = 0.7 8 = 1 8 = 0.925
Spergel et al Peiris et al Lyman- does most of the job in constraining running!!! Lack of power in the RSI model: haloes form later. Contrast with the large inferred (Yoshida et al. 2003)
The LUQAS sample Kim, MV, Haehnelt, Carswell, Cristiani, 2004, MNRAS, 347, 355 Large sample Uves Qso Absorption Spectra (LP-UVES program P.I. J. Bergeron) high resolution 0.05 Angstrom, high S/N > 50 low redshift, =2.25, z = # spectra redshift