Algebra /sketches/algcalc.sketches.html /sketches/algcalc.sketches.html Great site using geometer’s sketchpad to explore the relationships between m and b in slope-intercept form of the line AND a and c in y= ax^2+c
Geometry Using Hyperstudio to produce tessellations Exploring concurrency in triangles Eric’s Packing Center. Looking at how shapes fit into packages Page of links to geometry sites A site of workshops using polyhedra in the classroom.
Miscellaneous A site which explores some of the most famous math problems in history, including what is the value of p Ask Dr. Math. A great source for help or information on a specific topic. Problem of the week, by grade level, class. Also has an archive. Use for extra credit. Pose questions like: What was Pythagorus’ wife’s name? A famous mathematician was born on the 27 th of January; who was he and what is he really famous for?
Statistics, partI Handsqueezing activity for stats right or left handedness ojects/temp/temp.html ojects/temp/temp.html Regression models using weather and sine waves ne/ ne/ Nice intro to data collection linear regression using housing prices
Statistics, part II A lesson (or rather several) that teaches measures of central tendency A lesson in linear regression using cricket chirps. Simple and difficult mixed together A lesson plan teaching standard deviation to compare the temperatures of two similar cities. Needs netscape ( internet explorer?) and a scientific calculator A follow up lesson for the above Short and sweet question that deals with expected value for a binomial situation, modelling, etc. Good for probability and stats