Norwalk & Calici Viruses
Norwalk Viruses Structure Classification Multiplication Clinical manifestations Epidemiology Diagnosis Control Baron’s Web Site
Structure If the AIDS virus were the size of a basketball, Norwalk wouldn't be much bigger than a softball.
Norwalk Virus Structure ill-defined somewhat lace-like distinct from the featureless appearance of poliovirus. Bar = 50 nanometers
Discovery of Norwalk Virus First recorded epidemic attributed to Norwalk virus occurred in an elementary school in Norwalk, Ohio, in 1968. Bacteria-free fecal filtrates derived from adult patients were fed to volunteers. These volunteers consequently became ill evidence that gastroenteritis could be induced with a nonbacterial agent.
LAURA BEIL The Dallas Morning News The illness that infected a field of football players last fall is thought to be second only to the common cold as a source of sickness
major cause of epidemic acute and mild gastroenteritis, or diarrhea, older children and adults.
Symptoms & Treatment nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps occasionally fever begin within 40 hours (range 12 - 72 hours) of consuming contaminated food. self-limiting illness usually persists < 48 hours, can last a long as 1 week
Annual Incidence Viral food borne diseases Norwalk-like viruses 23,000,000 Rotavirus 3,900,000 Astrovirus Hepatitis A 83,391 Total Viral food borne 30,883,391 Total Microbial food borne incidence 38,629,64 CDC
NLV Reservoir Thought to be restricted to humans but can occur often in calves (44%) and sometimes (2%) in pigs. calves and pigs may be reservoir hosts of NLVs.
Hygiene against diseases transmitted via the fecal-oral route Always wash your hands with soap and water any time you might have touched human or animal feces, changed diapers, cleaned up feces, or gardened. Always wash your hands before eating. Avoid sex that may involve contact with feces. How Can I Protect Myself? Use hygienic measures applicable to diseases transmitted via the fecal-oral route as listed below: 1.Always wash your hands with soap and water any time you might have touched human or animal feces, changed diapers, cleaned up feces, or gardened. Always wash your hands before eating. 2.Avoid sex that may involve contact with feces. 3.Know the source of your water: (a) do not drink or swallow water directly from rivers, lakes, streams, pools, or spas, (b) if you travel outside the United States you may want to avoid drinking water that has not been boiled. 4.If you are immunocompromised you should consider additional protective steps such as boiling your drinking water for one minute, which will destroy any viruses in it.
Water Safety Do not drink or swallow water directly from rivers, lakes, streams, pools, or spas, if you travel abroad you may want to avoid drinking water that has not been boiled. boiling drinking water for one minute, will destroy any viruses in it.