Briargrove Elementary School 2009 – 2010 Weekly Early Dismissal Schedule
Why a Weekly Early Dismissal? Increased Need for Professional Collaboration Time Individual Teacher Planning/Classroom Preparation Time Parent/Teacher Conferences Grade Level Planning Vertical Team Planning Faculty Meetings Professional Development Intervention Assistance Team Meetings 504 Meetings/ARDs
Weekly Early Dismissal Timeline Special “Hurricane IKE” SDMC, 10/1/08 SDMC, 11/12/09 Parent/Teacher Focus Group, 11/18/09 PTO Board Meeting, 11/20/08 Faculty Meeting, 12/17/08 Parent/Teacher Focus 1/13/09 SDMC, 1/21/09 PTO Board Meeting, 2/5/09 2 nd Grade Program, 2/19/09 Faculty Meeting, 2/25/09
What will the Student Schedule Look Like? Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays 7:00 AMThe building opens for morning student supervision 7:15Breakfast is served 7:30Kindergarten, First and Second Graders are taken to the cluster areas. 7:40The first bell rings. The students go to class. 7:45The second bell (the tardy bell) rings. BGTV begins. The school day begins. 3:15School is dismissed.
What will the Student Schedule Look Like? Wednesdays 7:00 AMThe building opens for morning student supervision 7:15Breakfast is served 7:30Kindergarten, First and Second Graders are taken to the cluster areas. 7:40The first bell rings. The students go to class. 7:45The second bell (the tardy bell) rings. BGTV begins. The school day begins. 12:45School is dismissed.
Options for Students on Wednesdays Home Champions, YMCA, Robindell, Excel Academy, etc. Fee for Service Programs, i.e. Art After School, Soccer, Robotics, etc. Camp Roadrunner – Homework Study Hall, Enrichment Class (Art, Music, P.E., Computer, Library, Science) and Play.
What will the teacher’s Wednesday schedule look like? Week #1: Grade Level Planning/Meeting – 1:15-2:15 Faculty Meeting – 2:15-3:15 Week #2: Grade Level Planning/Meeting – 1:15-2:15 Grade Level Planning (Content Focus) 2:00-2:45 Grade Chairs/FAC/Others – 2:45-3:15 Others Classroom Preparation – 2:45-3:15
Week #3: SDMC (When scheduled) 1:15-2:15 Professional Development 1:15-2:15 Grade Level Planning/Meeting – 2:15-3:15 Week #4: Grade Level Planning/Meeting 1:15-2:15 Vertical Team Meetings – 2:15-3:15 What will the teacher’s Wednesday schedule look like?
Week #1 and #3: - K,1 st, and 2 nd Grade Teachers will have a GLM w/ administrator Week #2 and #4: - K, 1 st, and 2 nd Grade Teachers will have a GLP w/o administrator Week #1 and #3: 3rd, 4 th, and 5 th Grade Teachers will have a GLM w/ an administrator Week #2 and #4: 3 rd, 4 th, and 5 th Grade Teachers will have a GLP w/o an administrator. What will the teacher’s Wednesday schedule look like?
What Will Teachers Be Collaborating About on Wednesdays? Common AssessmentsClassroom Management Student InterventionsHomework Student EnrichmentGrading/Assessment Practices Best Teaching PracticesESL Instruction TAKS Scores GT Instruction SAT 10 ScoresRenzulli/TPSP Project EVAAS Data – Value-Added DataInstructional Technology Envision MathHorizontal and Vertical- Guided Reading-Curriculum Planning Language Social Studies Science
Schools Which Currently Have or Will Have a Weekly Early Dismissal Next School Year River Oaks School At St. George Place Pilgrim Piney Point Briarmeadow Charter Walnut Bend Askew Shadowbriar Daily Ashford
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