Chapter No Two.(2)
Five Planning steps… In order to make a written or an oral message effective, the following planning steps should be kept in view. 1) Identify your purpose. 2) Analyze your Audience/reader. 3) Choose your ideas. 4) Collect data to support your ideas. 5) Organize your message.
1)Identify your purpose. The Objective of a message is two fold, the reason / purpose of the message and the creation of good will. All messages have an underlining “relational” purpose to create good will.
2) Analyze your audience/reader. Before preparing a message, analyze your receiver whether he is local, national or foreigner. His interests, educational level, age etc. Must be keep in view, you should try to picture the person you are sending a message, whether he is your boss, subordinate, colleagues, young's, middle aged or elder persons. You should also kept in view the receiver of your message your long time customer or new one.
3) Choose your Ideas… The idea you include depend on the type of message you are sending, the situation, background and the location of your receiver.
4) Collect data to support your Idea. After you have decided what ideas to include, you must determine whether you need specific facts, figures or other form of evidence to support your points. simply in order to support your idea you should need data.
5) Organize your message. Before write your first Draft, outline your message (mentally or on paper). The order in which you present your ideas is as important as the idea themselves. Disorganized, rambling messages often seem careless, confusing, and unimportant.
Basic Organizational plans… a) Direct (Deductive) approach… b) Indirect (inductive) approach..
Basic Organizational plain… Your choice of Organization plain depend on a number of factors, how you expect your reader or listener to react to your message.
a) Direct (Deductive) approach… Use the direct approach when the audience is receptive to your message. When your reader or listener will have a favorable or neutral reaction to your message, you can use direct approach. You begin with the main idea or best news, you include all necessary explanatory details in one or several paragraphs and end with an appropriate, friendly closing.
b) Indirect (inductive) approach.. If you think your reader or listeners might react negatively to your message, generally you should not present the main idea in the first paragraph. OR When you except resistance to your message, choose the indirect approach, such as in a bad news message.
Beginnings and Endings… Two of the most important positions in any business message are the openings and closing paragraphs. You have probably heard the old saying “First impressions are lasting” and “we remember best we read last.” Whenever possible, place the main favorable ideas at the beginning and ending of a message.
Openings Paragraphs… The opening of a message determines whether the reader continues reading, put the message aside, or discards it. The following points should be kept in view while writing opening.
I.Choose opening appropriate for message purpose and for the reader. The main idea or good news subject should be given first in direct request, while buffer and getting statements be given first in bad news letter. II.Make the opening considerate, courteous, concise and clear. Keep in mind your reader’s desires also keeping in view whether the message is good or bad news. III.The opening should be complete. E.g. sentence structure.
Closing Paragraph… Closing should be strong, clear, and polite they should leave a sense of closure and goodwill with the receiver. The following points should be kept in view while closing paragraph. i. End on a positive courteous thought, like be friendly show appreciation etc. and also keep the last paragraph concise.
Composing The message… Drafting your message. Your first draft is often the most difficult to write. The important thing is to get the most important information in your message on paper early.
Revising the message… Revision means add necessary and deleting unnecessary information, making sure your points are adequately supported, checking your organizational approach, and reviewing your language in the terms of the seven C’S. Revision is the key to good writing..
Editing and proof reading your message… Editing and proof reading are important to ensure that your document has no mistake in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or word choice.