Penguins By: Lauren Kracik 2 nd Grade Class
Some facts about Penguins o Penguins are birds. o The average lifespan of penguins is 15 to 20 years. o Penguins are known to be very social.
-Other Facts- Penguins have more feathers than most other birds. A penguins eyes are sensitive to violet, blue and green light. Penguins eat shrimp, squid, and fish.
More Facts Penguins can’t fly, they swim Penguins spend 75% of their time underwater Penguins use their big eyes to see underwater Penguins can swim up to 15 miles per hour
Different Kinds Click here to check out the 17 different kinds of penguins! nguins/facts.html nguins/facts.html nguins/facts.html
Height Tallest penguin is the Emperor penguin, which is 3.7 feet tall. The shortest penguin is the Fairy penguin, which is 16 inches tall. Penguins have knees!
Communication There are 3 different types of calls that penguins use in order to communicate with others. -The contact call -The contact call -The display call -The display call -The threat call -The threat call Each penguin has a different call.
Raising Children The Mama Penguin lays two eggs, but will only raise one. A penguin will make a nest for their young out of pebbles. The Papa penguin sometimes digs a hole in the ground to put the egg in.
Predators o Killer Whales o Leopard Seals o Great Sukas o Sea Lions o Humans
~Some Penguin Jokes~ Q: Why do penguins carry fish in their beaks? A: Because they don't have pockets. Q: Why do penguins carry fish in their beaks? A: Because they don't have pockets. Q: What's black & white and goes round and round? A: A penguin stuck in a revolving door. Q: What's black & white and goes round and round? A: A penguin stuck in a revolving door. Q: What do penguins order for lunch? A: Icebergers Q: What do penguins order for lunch? A: Icebergers
~Songs & Poems~ Click here to see some songs & poems about Penguins! enguins/activities2.htm enguins/activities2.htm enguins/activities2.htm teachers/laboonac/Web%20Pag es/penguin_poems.htm teachers/laboonac/Web%20Pag es/penguin_poems.htm teachers/laboonac/Web%20Pag es/penguin_poems.htm
Coloring Pages Now you can color your very own penguin! It can be any color you want!
Works Citied uins/activities1.htm uins/activities1.htm uins/activities1.htm uins/facts.html uins/facts.html uins/facts.html chers/laboonac/Web%20Pages/pen guin_poems.htm chers/laboonac/Web%20Pages/pen guin_poems.htm chers/laboonac/Web%20Pages/pen guin_poems.htm