POWER DUCK 3000 By Noah Bailey
Planet underground My planet climate is dry and hot has flatlands and mostly sand.
Question 3 My bird will protect its self by using transformations or its protection field, which will keep it cold or warm and the transformations to change from thin layer in day, or warm feathers at night. And even rarely it will change into blubber
Question 4 What type of body covering or coverings will your bird have? Why? a. covering #1: blubber___________________________________________________________ purpose: cold nights______________________________________________________________ b. covering #2 _light feathers_______________________________________________ purpose: hot days______________________________________________________________ c. covering #3: heavy feathers___________________________________________________________ purpose: really cold nights______________________________________________________________
Question 5 What type of feet, wings, or other movement adaptation does your bird need in order to move around the planet? Why? razor wings To get around really fast or run away from predators!
Question 6 What type of eyes will your bird have? Why? laser eyes, so it can snatch prey and eat it.
Question 7 & 8 What type of food will your bird eat on this planet? My bird will eat space lions by cutting the preys head off with laser eyes then entering by neck and eating the insides. Therefore, what type of beak will it have? Pointed beak for ripping open flesh.
Question 9 9. What special adaptations will your bird have to get water? A long tongue to get water when flying.
Question 10 Does it use mimicry or camouflage to help it blend into its environment? Mimicry for lions and predators.
Question 11 & What are the predators that might harm your bird? Space rhinos! 12. How will your bird protect itself from the predators? Laser eyes and a supernatural force field.
Question 13 What is the most unique adaptation that your bird has? Laser eyes.
Plant bot 5000 By Noah Bailey
My duck: POWER DUCK 3000 Powerful razor wingsMany eyes for spotting predators
Question 14 What components will your plant have? Why? a. Stem #1: fat___________________________________________________________ purpose: eating food______________________________________________________________ b. Flower #2 fat____________________________________________________________ purpose: ________________absorbing energy______________________________________________ c. Leaves #3: small____________________________________________________________ purpose: keep warm______________________________________________________________ d. Roots long #4:_____________________________________________________________ purpose:_____get lots of water_________________________________________________________
Plant Adaptation Summary 15. What type of roots will your plant need? Why? fat roots to suck up water 16. How will your plant make its own food (Photosynthesis)? it will eat other things like lions 17. How will your plant disperse its seeds? it will shoot them 5,000,000 miles 18. What special adaptations will your plant have to get water? lonnnnng roots 19. What are the consumers that might eat your plant? space rhinos 20. What is the most unique adaptation that your plant has? Eats animals instead of sugar.
Powerful roots Keep in The ground Strong teeth