VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Canton elementary school volunteer Canton elementary school volunteer Nov 10 th 11 th 13 th 6-7:30 babysitting. Nov 10 th 11 th 13 th 6-7:30 babysitting. Bell Ringing Riverstone Bell Ringing Riverstone Shifts from 4-9pm Shifts from 4-9pm Holiday lights of hope. Holiday lights of hope. sign up online on Ms. Smiths website sign up online on Ms. Smiths website Reindeer run- December 6 th sign up online Reindeer run- December 6 th sign up online Holly Springs Christmas parade December 6 th Holly Springs Christmas parade December 6 th Sign up outside Ms. Smiths classroom Sign up outside Ms. Smiths classroom
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Bell ringing at Belk in Riverstone Black Friday-Christmas eve, shifts Bell ringing at Belk in Riverstone Black Friday-Christmas eve, shifts Toys for tots Toys for tots Jamberry nails Jamberry nails 2 sets per member 2 sets per member
INITIATION December 5 th December 5 th Come straight after school to help set up, the program will begin around 5:30 Come straight after school to help set up, the program will begin around 5:30 Boys being initiated wear white shirts with red ties Boys being initiated wear white shirts with red ties Girls being initiated wear red dresses Girls being initiated wear red dresses Current male members wear either a black shirt with a black tie or a white shirt with a black tie Current male members wear either a black shirt with a black tie or a white shirt with a black tie Current female members wear black dresses Current female members wear black dresses