Word Generation Unit 1.13 advocates – contrary – prohibit – release – reverse Is the Death Penalty Justified?
Advocates (noun) DefintionSentence From Passage Turn and Talk with a partner SupportersAdvocates of the death penalty say that the threat of being punished by death stops people from committing violent crimes. What would advocates of a longer school year say in order to convince others that we need a shorter summer? Advocates of a longer school year would argue that ___________. Related Words Advocacy To advocate
Contrary (adj) DefintionSentence From Passage Turn and Talk with a partner Opposite, opposing side Those who take the contrary position argue that the death penalty does not lower rates of violent crime. What is a contrary argument to the position that we need a longer school year? Contrary to those who think we need a longer summer, I believe that ________________ _____. Related Words: Contradict Contradiction
Prohibit (verb) DefintionSentence From Passage Turn and Talk with a partner To not allow; to forbid Should the death penalty be prohibited, or are there good reasons to keep it? Why do most schools prohibit students from using cell phones in school? Schools prohibit students from using their cell phones due to _______________. Related Words: Prohibition
Release (verb) DefintionSentence From Passage Turn and Talk with a partner To let go; to set free DNA testing showed that some people had not committed the crimes they were accused of committing, so they were released from prison. Do you think that some animals that are held captive in zoos should be released back into their natural habitats? (Hint: try using a word like however, whereas or yet in your response) Related Words:
Reverse (verb) DefintionSentence From Passage Turn and Talk with a partner To change back; to overturn After further investigation their prison sentences were reversed. Do you think schools should reverse their decision to prohibit cell phones? I believe that schools should/should not reverse their polity on cell phones because __________. Related Words: Reversal