EXAMPLE QUESTIONS 1.Why is the notion of a “state” important in relational database technology? What does it refer to? 2.What do we mean by the “impedance mismatch” between SQL and most “host” programming languages like C++, Java, and C#? 3.What are the main components of a trigger and what purpose do they serve in the trigger? Write a trigger. 4.Why is it problematic to allow the direct updating of a view table? 5.Why might we keep stored procedures on the same server as the relational database? 6.Translate the following algegraic query into SQL.
CONTINUED… 7. What is an outer join? Write an example of one. Draw the two tables you are basing it on. 8. Why do we call SQL a tuple calculus? 9. What is in the MySQL Information Schema (it’s actually a database)? 10. What command or commands does SQL have in it to facilitate the initial loading of a database? 11. What is a stored procedure? 12. What is the “INTO” keyword in SQL used for? 13. What is an “event” in SQL?