Evaluation of the Norwegian SkatteFUNN scheme Torbjørn Hægeland, Statistics Norway Jan 22, 2004
What is SkatteFUNN? A system for tax deduction of R&D expenses in all enterprises Warranted by taxation laws 18 percent tax deduction of R&D expenses up to NOK 4 millions. If joint project with an approved R&D institution, the upper limit is NOK 8 millions Smaller enterprises 20 percent deduction <250 employees, turnover< € 250 mill or balance sheet total < € 27 mill, not owned more than 25 percent by larger enterprise
What is SkatteFUNN? (cont.) Launched in 2002 – SMEs only Extended to all enterprises in 2003 Simple application and reporting procedures Two weeks for application processing 2002: 2600 projects 2003: 4500 projects (expected) with expenses totalling NOK 8 billions, tax deductions 1.6 billions How much of this is projects that already were or would be initiated even without the tax deduction scheme?
The evaluation Initiated by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Trade and Industry Norwegian Research Council administrates the evaluation Evaluation period: 2004 – 2007 Evaluator: Statistics Norway
Main issues to be addressed Additionality: Does SkatteFUNN generate more R&D and change in R&D behaviour in enterprises? Returns: How does SkatteFUNN projects pay off? Real R&D or reclassification of costs? Does SkatteFUNN stimulate knowledge transfer from R&D institutions to enterprises? How does SkatteFUNN work together with other R&D stimulating measures? Administrative costs
Empirical strategies Extensive use of comprehensive micro data bases for firms and plants Many based on administrative registers In addition: Manufacturing censuses, R&D surveys innovation surveys etc. Use of common identifiers facilitates extensive linking of different data sources Results in a unique panel data base for firms and plants, covering also a long period prior to the launching of the SkatteFUNN scheme Special surveys to cover aspects of the scheme not covered by existing data sources
Additionality A key point in the evaluation Important criterion in itself, cf. polict goals Additionality a ”necessary condition for success” Greatest hope for ”precise and definitive answers” Counterfactual question: What would R&D investments have been without SkatteFUNN? Non-experimental setting – no formal control group Strategies: Econometric evaluation Surveys and interviews
Additionality (cont.) Before-after studies Predict R&D investments using firm-specific variables, business cycles, tax rules etc. I.e: Control for the effects of other factors on R&D, and isolate the effect of the SkatteFUNN scheme ”Quasi-experiments” Utilize discontinuities in the scheme –Differences between small and large firms (particularly in 2002) –Limits on the tax deduction gives difference in incentive effect
Additionality (cont.) Two possible effects Effects given firm behaviour (”first order effect”) Change in firm behaviour, i.e. SkatteFUNN alters the relation between R&D and other variables (”structural breaks”) Additionality may be non-uniform, and vary with Firm characteristics: Industry, region, workforce, previous R&D, ”absorptive capacity” Environmental characteristics: Industry structure, ”nearby R&D”, access to qualified personnel Type of project: Own project vs cooperation with research institute Time horizon: Short- and long-term additionality (adjustment costs and learning)
Additionality (cont.) Sample of SkatteFUNN-firms asked about their experiences, and whether the tax deduction has led to more R&D Compare to econometric analyses
Returns to SkatteFUNN projects The potential effects come in three steps 1. Increased R&D investments 2. Increased pace of innovations 3. Effects on profitability More demanding to identify and quantify than input additionality Effects are more delayed Effects may appear other places than in the enterprise (externalities) Mainly econometric analyses
Quantifying externalities Difficult task Construct measures of ”relevant external R&D” How does such variables contribute to explain innovation, profits and productivity?
Change in R&D behaviour Does participation in SkatteFUNN projects change the way firms organize their R&D activity, and how R&D decisions are made? Survey among participating firms
The role of research institutes Extra incentive to cooperation between firms and research institutes Rationale: Assumption of larger effects Separate econometric estimates of additionality and returns for joint projects and ordinary projects Qualitative survey: What promotes/hinders cooperation? Do the institutes change their strategies)
The interplay between SkatteFUNN and other policy measures Are there differences wrt. input additionality and returns between tax incentives and direct support, and do they stimulate different kinds of R&D? Are the different measures complements or substitutes? Is SkatteFUNN a ”low threshold measure”? Many firms that receive support through SkatteFUNN has never received R&D support before. Will these firms apply for other types of R&D support later on?
Evaluation output Interim reports and reports from partial analyses Final report in 2007 Main questions: –Should SkatteFUNN be continued? –If yes, should it be modified Policy recommendations must take into account variations in: How directly effects can be observed and identified When effects occur. Not all effects can be observed within the evaluation period