Mobility team members Students Riina Kopti Renna Vist Jane Lohu Teachers Ave Nukka
Mobility team members Riina Kopti I study business management in the second course. I am also an active member in the school student council.
Mobility team members Renna Vist I am studying business management in the first course. I am very outgoing and I like to socialise.
Mobility team members Jane Lohu I am a freshman and I study business management. I like to communicate with people and gain new experiences.
Mobility team members Ave Nukka Faculty member at Lääne-Viru College. One of the hobbies is sewing.
Lääne-Viru College We have the following applied higher educational curricula: Business Administration Accountancy Social work Commercial Economics etc
Lääne-Viru College
Facts about Estonia By geographic location we belong to the Baltic region. By language we belong to Scandinavia. By allies we belong to Europe. By the prevailing religion we belong to Germany. By climate we belong to the North.
Location of Estonia
Facts about Estonia Estonia is an e-country – most people use e-banking, pay parking with a mobile phone and pay taxes, or even vote, online.
Facts about Estonia The Republic of Estonia is situated in Northern Europe along the Baltic Sea. Estonian borders: Russia in the east Latvia in the south Finland in the north, across the Gulf of Finland and Sweden is the western neighbour across the Baltic Sea.
Facts about Estonia Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, lies on the coast of the Baltic Sea.
Facts about Estonia The highest point, Suur Munamägi, is only 318m (1,043 feet) above sea level.
Facts about Estonian population The total population of Estonia is around 1.3 million people. Estonian ethnicity 69%. Russian 26%. Ukrainian 2%. Belarusians, Finns each make up 1% of the population.
Facts about estonians Estonians on the whole are quiet and reserved. They tend to speak softly and do not like to draw attention to themselves. Estonians are not emotive speakers. Estonians mean what they say and do what they say they will do. They expect foreign business people to keep their word.
Facts about Estonia The Parliament is Estonia’s highest legislative authority and it is vested with the right to adopt laws. The Estonian parliament has 101 members. The President of Estonia is Toomas Hendrik Ilves The President of Estonia is Toomas Hendrik Ilves
Some thoughts on the topic Definiton of voluntary work different for everyone People want to give their own effort – to change something