E ARLIER > T ODAY,,Tante Emma‘‘ – shops ( very small shops ) → shopping malls shopping with parents→shopping with friends things were bought in the amount of pounds→things are bought in packages almost every district/city had a market day→there are barely market days, only small markets prices were cheaper→A lot of things are more expensive
shopping as a necessary thing→It‘s like a hobby The shops closed very early→A lot of shops are open long and also have,,midnight-shopping‘‘
SHOPPING CATALOGUES first catalog in1872 was only one page things are illustrated and there‘s a small description of the product examples for clothes : Neckermann and Bonprix
O NLINE -S HOPPING special form of trade and distribution carried out via the internet there are also applications for smartphones example: Zalando ( 2008 )
L IVE - S HOPPING trend from the USA a product is offered for a certain period, so the customer has to buy it on impulse