National Nanofabrication Centre Centre for Nano Science and Engineering IISc, Bangalore, India TUMS Murthy Sept 25, 2013 Clean room administrative committee Meeting
TUMS MURTHY Sept 25, 2013 Cleanroom Admin Commitee Meeting Action points ActionWhoStatus Electrical consumption report Dr. Murthy/ArunSubmitted BMS operator to monitor MNCF cameras Dr. Murthy/ArunDone To keep e-beam evap system copper free RaghavanDone To contact Prof. Satish Patil ref. e-beam resists Gopal In process To decide on Pfeiffer vs Agilent turbo for eline Gopal On hold
TUMS MURTHY Reinforce precious metal security – Precious metal ( Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium) targets and pellets kept in locked cupboard in the clean room – Key accessible only during office hours from COO’s office – Usage recorded in a dedicated register Issues – Usage in non-office hours restricted to targets fixed in the sputtering system Sept 25, 2013 Cleanroom Admin Commitee Meeting Precious Metals
TUMS MURTHY Protocol violations – Many minor violations reported PCW quality improved. Still exploring best practices from all sources. User statistics Sept 25, 2013 Cleanroom Admin Commitee Meeting Concerns
TUMS MURTHY RTA from Annealsys – Ready for use with UHP N2 at atmospheric pressure only – Order for hook-up for rest of the gases under process Sept 25, 2013 Cleanroom Admin Commitee Meeting New Equipment