Driver’s Education Chapter 7 Negotiating Intersections 12/11/12 What do you think the difference is between a controlled and uncontrolled intersection? Please answer the question by drawing a Venn Diagram.
Searching Intersections The chances of a collision are greater at intersections than any other point on a roadway. Look for these cue to identify an intersection ahead. Street sign/Street light Crossing traffic Turning traffic Traffic stopping
Searching Intersections Intersections can be found in various designs. Most are roads crossing in a + or X pattern. Others may form a Y
Controlled Intersection Is one at which traffic signals or signs determine the right of way. Controlled w/ signs: STOP – you must come to a full stop at a stop sign, crosswalk or stop line. Yield – you must slow and yield the right of way to vehicles on through street.
Controlled Intersections w/ Signals As you approach a signal, you need to think of what is about to take place. You need to consider if the light is about to change. How do you do that? - SCAN AHEAD You should have a good idea of what’s going on prior to reaching the intersection
Uncontrolled Intersections Motorists entering the intersection from a private road or driveway must yield to all traffic on the main road. If a traffic light is out treat it as a 4 way stop
Stale Green Light Is a light that has been green for a long time. If it remains green after you first see it, be prepared to slow down. Chances are that it will turn yellow very soon.
Fresh Green Light This is a light that has just turned green. Be cautious if you are the first car. Prior to going, check the intersection to make sure that no other cars are running the yellow light.
Yellow Light As you approach the intersection as the light is turning yellow, you must make a decision whether to stop or proceed. A good rule of thumb, if the light turns yellow before you reach the point of no return, go through it. If you are making the decision to stop, check the rear zone to make sure it is safe to stop w/out anyone hitting you.
Left on Yellow in the middle of a Intersection Be cautious about making a left while your in the middle of a intersection. You must look around all incoming traffic prior to proceeding. A lot of accidents happen in this scenario.
Red Light You must STOP!
Stopping at Railroad Crossings Motorist must stop at least 15 ft. from railroad crossing when there are lights flashing, bells, or flag signals Never attempt to cross until gates have been raised and lights have stopped flashing Commercial Vehicles must stop at all railroad crossings Never stop on the tracks
Searching Intersections Traffic Circle – formed when several roadways meet at a circle. A driver needs to know how to identify and safely negotiate traffic circles. Click Here____> Bad Example
Entering Highways, Parkways, and Turnpikes Acceleration Lane: used to speed up to join flow of traffic -Obey posted speed limits -Speed up to the flow of traffic - Try to avoid coming to a complete stop in the acceleration lane - Yield to traffic and enter the right-hand lane when safe
Leaving Highways, Parkways, and Turnpikes Deceleration Lane: used to slow down when exiting –Start Slowing down when entering deceleration lane –Obey the posted speed –If you miss an exit take the next one –Never back up on exit ramp