wistful- you are wistful if you feel as though your wishes probably won’t come true What might you say to a friend who is sitting alone, looking wistful? When might you look wistful?
grateful- to be grateful is to feel thankful for someone or something If you felt grateful to someone, what might you say to that person? When is a time you were grateful?
grim- if something looks grim, it appears serious and forbidding If someone gave you a grim look, would that make you nervous? Why or why not? When would you give a grim look to someone?
raspy- a raspy noise sounds rough and harsh, like sandpaper scraping wood. What could cause your voice to become raspy? When have you heard a raspy sound?
swarmed- if animals have swarmed, they have moved quickly and gathered in large numbers If a cloud of bees swarmed toward you, what would you do? Where could you see a swarm of animals?
revelers- revelers are people who are having fun at a lively party or celebration. What kinds of behavior would you expect from revelers? Have you ever been a reveler? When?
Irresistible- something that is irresistible is difficult to turn away. What food do you find irresistible? What is something that is irresistible to you?