Lecture 6: 18/5/1435 Computer Animation(2) Lecturer/ Kawther Abas CS- 375 Graphics and Human Computer Interaction
Types of Animation Systems 1. Scripting Systems 2. Procedural Animation 3. Representational Animation 4. Stochastic Animation 5. Behavioral Animation
Scripting Systems Scripting Systems were the earliest type of motion control systems. The animator writes a script in the animation language. Thus, the user must learn this language and the system is not interactive. One scripting system is ASAS (Actor Script Animation Language),
Procedural Animation Procedures are used that define movement over time. These might be procedures that use the laws of physics (Physically - based modeling) or animator generated methods.
Representational Animation This technique allows an object to change its shape during the animation. There are three subcategories to this. 1-Animation of articulated objects. 2-Soft object animation used for deforming and animating the deformation of objects, e.g. skin over a body or facial muscles. 3-Morphing which is the changing of one shape into another quite different shape.
Behavioral Animation Objects or "actors" are given rules about how they react to their environment. Examples are schools of fish or flocks of birds where each individual behaves according to a set of rules defined by the animator
TYPES OF COMPUTER ANIMATION 1. 2D ANIMATION 2D animation using Flash and Swish can produce sophisticated presentations, demonstrations, simulations and stories D ANIMATION 3d animation is also same procedure. Compositing is the combining of two or more pictures... such as picture from Poser with a picture from Bryce.
Animation is Based on three basic Approaches 1. Key frame 2. Motion capture: Models wear special badges that allows a group of video cameras to track their motion. 3- Simulation