MQXF protection – comparison between 1 or 2 power supplies Vittorio Marinozzi 06/08/2015 1
2 Summary: 1.Assumptions made in the simulations 2.Hot spot temperature considering 1 or 2 PS (QLASA) Nominal cases Failure scenarios 3.Voltages considering 1 or 2 PS (ROXIE) Nominal cases Failure scenarios (work in progress)
3 1.1 Assumptions in simulations - PH Quench assumed to be induced on all the turn covered by heaters Average delay times used for high-field and low-field zone Delay times computed by CoHDA (Tiina Salmi) Heating stations are simulated, but not pre-heat (conservative) Transversal and longitudinal propagation computed by QLASA
4 1.1 Assumptions in simulations - PH
5 Protection parameters Current [A]16470 Inductance [mH/m]8.21 Lenght [m]31.1/16.8 Dump resistor [mΩ]50 (820V) Dump resistor delay [ms]5 Validation time [ms]10 Cu/Non-Cu1.2 Bare cable width (mm)18.15 Bare cable average thickness (mm)1.525 Cable insulation thickness (mm)0.145 RRR Assumptions in simulations – nominal protection parameters Q1Q2aQ2bQ3 Q1Q m / 1 PS 16.8 m / 2 PS No quench back Dynamic effects on the inductance (iron & IFCC) Dynamic effects on the inductance (iron & IFCC)
6 2.1 Hot spot temperature - nominal 31.1 m (1 PS)Hot spot temperature [K]MIITs [MA 2 s] No dynamic effects Dynamic effects (14 mm pitch) Dynamic effects (19 mm pitch) m (2 PS)Hot spot temperature [K]MIITs [MA 2 s] No dynamic effects Dynamic effects (14 mm pitch) Dynamic effects (19 mm pitch) Just < 5 K gain using 2 PS instead 1 PS ! Magnets can be considered safe
7 2.1 Hot spot temperature - nominal τ 1PS ~ 4 s τ 2PS ~ 2 s Power dissipated on Rd: 1.26 MJ with 1 PS (4 % of the stored energy) 1.25 MJ with 2 PS (7 % of the stored energy) Power dissipated on Rd: 1.26 MJ with 1 PS (4 % of the stored energy) 1.25 MJ with 2 PS (7 % of the stored energy)
8 2.2 Hot spot temperature – no IL-PH 31.1 m (1 PS)Hot spot temperature [K]MIITs [MA 2 s] No dynamic effects Dynamic effects (14 mm pitch) Dynamic effects (19 mm pitch) m (2 PS)Hot spot temperature [K]MIITs [MA 2 s] No dynamic effects Dynamic effects (14 mm pitch) Dynamic effects (19 mm pitch) With only outer-layer protection heaters, protection is not ensured
9 2.3 Hot spot temperature – OL-PH failure in the high-field block 31.1 m (1 PS)Hot spot temperature [K]MIITs [MA 2 s] No dynamic effects Dynamic effects (14 mm pitch) Dynamic effects (19 mm pitch) m (2 PS)Hot spot temperature [K]MIITs [MA 2 s] No dynamic effects Dynamic effects (14 mm pitch) Dynamic effects (19 mm pitch) Failure is assumed in all the strips of the outer-layer high-field zone Very pessimistic case A good redundancy is ensured
Hot spot temperature – conclusions Magnets can be considered safe, if the whole protection system work Protection heaters on the inner layer are indispensable in order to ensure safety. Alternatively, protection using CLIQ has to be investigated (Emmanuele) There is not a relevant difference between using one or two power supplies (Q1/Q2a/Q2b/Q3 series or Q1/Q3 and Q2a/Q2b series), on the hot spot temperature point of view Redundancy is ensured
11 MQXF voltage analysis (work in progress)
MQXF voltages Rd=50 m Ω ~820 V between current leads To ground [V]Turn-turn [V]Layer-Layer [V]Midp-Midp [V] Q1/Q3 (1 Power Supply) Nominal Coil 1 PH failure Q2a/Q2b (1 Power Supply) Nominal Coil 1 PH failure Q1/Q3 (2 Power Supplies) Nominal Coil 1 PH failure Q2a/Q2b (2 Power Supplies) Nominal Coil 1 PH failure “To ground” column to be checked! Ground positioned on the “in” current lead
MQXF voltages-conclusions To ground voltage is almost independent on the number of power supplies It is about ~1 kV (to be checked) in the nominal case for both Q1/Q3 and Q2a/Q2b It doubles if all the coil1 inner-layer protection heaters fail Turn-turn voltage too is independent on the number of PS ~27 V for Q1/Q3, ~45 V for Q2a/Q2b in the nominal case ~50 % bigger if all the coil1 inner-layer protection heaters fail Layer-layer voltage too is independent on the number of PS ~270 V for Q1/Q3, ~450 V for Q2a/Q2b in the nominal case ~4 times bigger if all the coil1 inner-layer protection heaters fail Midplane-midplane voltage doubles choosing 2 PS instead of 1 PS ~85/150 V for Q1/Q3, ~150/310 V for Q2a/Q2b in the nominal case ~11 times bigger if all the coil1 inner-layer protection heaters fail Other scenarios are going to be analyzed (only outer layer PH, failure of few PH strips…)