Why is there volcanic activity in the middle of plates?
Learning Objectives To understand the theory of hotspots and how it fits in with the general theory of plate tectonics To understand the theory behind the formation of the Hawaiian Island chain To be able to use the study of the Hawaiian island chain as a small case study
Watch these clips – take notes What is a Hotspot? – YouTube Teachers' Domain: Plate Tectonics: The Hawaiʻian Archipelago Teachers' Domain: Plate Tectonics: The Hawaiʻian Archipelago Use the information from these video clips and the photocopied sheet (p22&23) to complete the activities on the worksheet.
An example of a hotspot: Hawaii Describe the location of the Hawaiian Island chain in relation to plate boundaries. (you can use a simple sketch map) What is a hotspot? Draw a simple labelled diagram to explain how a hotspot is caused and how it is responsible for forming the Hawaiian Island chain. Why did hotspot volcanoes cause a problem when the original theory of plate tectonics was developed? Outline the stages these hotspot volcanoes go through from birth to eventual demise.
Now tackle this exam question Outline the formation of hot spots and explain their relationship to plate movement. 8 marks Please complete on separate paper and hand in for marking.