Expanding VR Partnerships: the askON Pilot Project Sonny Banerjee and Diane Granfield, Ryerson University Adam Taves, York University TRY Libraries Conference, May 2008
Welcome and Outline Historical notes Implementation Process Staffing Software and Demo Marketing and usage Types of Questions The future
Historical Notes VR comes to Canada Guelph, Ryerson and York begin stand- alone services in 2001/early 2002 Collaboration (OCVRP) begins Fall 2002 Adventures in software and the dissolution of OCVRP York and Ryerson continue to collaborate Collaborative lessons
AskON … Knowledge Ontario Add to library service delivery options and models Make libraries more relevant Offer staff development opportunities and challenges Extend reference service hours …
Descriptive Notes Public Libraries: Greater Sudbury, Hamilton, Innisfil, Kingston Frontenac, London, Middlesex, North Bay, Stormont Dundas and Glengarry, Vaugn, Welland Academic Libraries: Algonquin College, George Brown College, Lakehead, Mohawk College, Ryerson, Seneca College, York Academic Hours: Monday – Thursday: 11a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday – Sunday: 11p.m. to 5 p.m.
AskON Development and Implementation Public and Academic Task forces: technology, implementation, service policies, marketing, training, evaluation Implementation Task Force: who (institutions, including french language queue), hours, staffing and supporting materials for portal
Why Join AskON? Re-invention is essential and inevitable in this environment Expand hours Infrastructure: portal; backchat; administration; software cost benefits; software support; training Staff development & library development We had something to offer
Staffing and Training Staffing model: size of library; predictions on past traffic, scheduling Staffing model: who Training and support: portal, back- chat
askON Software LivePerson Web-based No patron software required / Browser neutral No co-browsing No downtime / Dropped calls infrequent
Promotion & Marketing Institutional websites IL classes Marketing materials Posters, buttons, ‘business cards’ Signs when reference desk closed Option in SFX
Total Questions by Home Institution January Ryerson York AcademicNA 807 February Ryerson York AcademicNA 1243 March Ryerson York AcademicNA 1394
Questions answered by Non-Member of Patron’s Home Institution 2008 January Ryerson12% York39% February Ryerson1% York47% March Ryerson27% York47%
Satisfaction Rates (Exit Surveys)
Analysis of Transcripts