“…best political voice for community college faculty in the state.” ~ Sacramento News & Review “…best political voice for community college faculty in the state.” ~ Sacramento News & Review
Santa Rosa Junior College AFA
Administration’s View of the Economy and Revenues Seems Too Pessimistic. We do not agree with the administration’s view that there has been a significant dimming of the state’s near-term economic prospects. As a result, our forecast now is $3.2 billion higher than the administration’s May Revision total for , , and combined.
Final ItemAmount Growth1.63% COLA1.57% Student Success$50 mil. EOPS$15 mil. DSPS$15 mil. CalWORKs$8 mil. Adult Education$25 mil. planning grants Online Education$16.9 mil. Energy Efficiency$48 mil. + $3 mil. (CEC) Deferral$30 mil. ( ) Academic Senate$150,000
Budget change proposal RequestAmount Super COLA4.4% (statutory COLA is 1.8%) Access$110 million Categorical Restoration$150 million Deferral Buy-Down$100 million One-time$200 million (deferred maintenance; Instructional equipment; professional development)
Major Legislation BillTopicStatus AB 595 (Gomez)Restoring top-tier registration for EOPS and DSPS Chaptered AB 955 (Williams)Two-tier privatization pilotChaptered SB 173 (Liu)Restrictions on adult education Asm. Higher Ed. SB 440 (Padilla)Transfer pathwaysChaptered SB 520 (Steinberg) MOOCsAsm. Higher Ed
FACCC Priorities Faculty staffing and compensation Accreditation Fighting privatization Retirement Student services
FACCC 2014 Legislation AB 657 (Gomez): Maternity/Paternity Leave Legislative Resolution to Protect Part-Time Faculty Hour Cuts to Avoid ACA Implementation Opportunity Based Funding: a Counter Narrative to “Performance Based Funding” that directs resources for student success from a holistic perspective and considers the Chancellor’s Office Scorecard.
A lot Can Happen in Just Two Days... the Little Hoover Commission calls for new Master Plan, MOOCs, performance-based funding. Tuesday, five mayors (four Dems), filed an initiative with the AG allowing employers to unilaterally reduce pensions.
Challenge to Title 5 on shared governance thrown out
Will you be there? Policy Forum January 24, De Anza College Advocacy & Policy Conference March 2-3, Sacramento Counselors Conference March 29, UCLA
Advocacy & Policy Conference Keynote address
“…best political voice for community college faculty in the state.” ~ Sacramento News & Review “…best political voice for community college faculty in the state.” ~ Sacramento News & Review