Evolution of low-mass binaries with black-hole components L. Yungelson et al. Ref: arXiv:
1. Model - Formation of black holes with low-mass companions Population of zero-age LMBHB code: SEBA initial binaries M 10 >25M sun a 50% binarity (2/3 of stars in binaries) for the CE phase: α CE ×λ=2
1. Model - Angular momentum loss Low mass components KV/MV spectral type AML via MSW: AML via GWR: Eqs.(1)+(2)- a “standard” model
1. Model - Population of unevolved LMBHB Within Hubble time(13.5 Gyr) BH+MS P orb < 2 day M 20 <1.6M sun
M BH =12M sun M BH =4Msun In standard model: overflow < 15 hr → shorter period
2. Evolution of LMBHB In the figures below, q=M 2 /M 1 ≥0.02 q=M 2 /M 1 <0.02: - circularization radius of accretion stream>outer radius of accretion disc - how mass transfer occurs ? - P orb ≤ 2 hr mass-transfer rate < M sun yr -1 In “standard” model 75% q<0.02
2. Evolution of LMBHB - Luminous persistent LMBHB? Irradiated discs are hot and stable if accre -tion rate exceeds No persistent LMBHB with Porb<4 hr are observed Stable model : 370 objects 2900 objects
2. Evolution of LMBHB - Reduced angular momentum loss?
2. Evolution of LMBHB - Observational parameters of short-period LMBHB
a. Effective temperatures Essential information of donor: spectral type Emission of the cool star is contaminated by radiation from disc and hot spot
b. Masses of donors
c. Mass-transfer rate Non-stationary quiescent accretion disc: According to DIM, disc is in cold thermal equilibrium if :
Menou et al MNL MNL point out that if the truncation radii were slightly larger than estimated to fit observations of quiescent SXTs the discs would be globally stable
3. Cold, stable system
4. Conclusion Under various assumptions about the AML “standard” model unobserved persistent LMBHB pure GWR only transient systems Mass-transfer rate consistent with upper limits on Mdot Truncation of discs at radii close to Rcirc make disc cold and stable, in this case not relate to DIM “external factors” – enforced mass transfer,R in