Information campaigns and motivational principles in household waste management in Flanders ETT – Kiev, Ukraine Christof Delatter Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities Tel
VVSG - This Presentation Some introductory figures How to motivate the public Communication by municipalities National communication campaigns How to motivate municipalities
VVSG - Some figures from Flanders… More than 70% of household waste is collected separately for recycling or composting Over 52% of families do some kind of homecomposting More than volunteers help as ‘masters in composting’ (1 for every inhabitants) ISVAG, once a very contested waste incinerator, now receives around visitors each year People go more often to the municipal civic amenity sites than to the town hall… It took us 40 years to come to this !
VVSG - Motivating the public (1) Implementing “polluter pays” principle (PAYT): not sorting waste is more expensive than sorting your waste Prevention = free Recycling = part of the cost Disposal = total cost Producer responsibility allowing free deposit of certain waste streams Provide alternatives to the public Municipal by-laws Describe in detail how the different fractions of the household waste are to be presented for collection Contain fines for misbehaviour Make it an obligation for the public to sort their household waste Pas aan bij: Invoegen / Koptekst en Voettekst
VVSG - Motivating the public (2) Don’t expect the public to sort waste when the municipality is not giving the right example Rewarding good practices (positive campaigns) Pas aan bij: Invoegen / Koptekst en Voettekst
VVSG - Motivating the public (2) Punishing misbehaviour (fines on illegal dumping, littering and illegal incineration of waste) Pas aan bij: Invoegen / Koptekst en Voettekst Dioxin-emissions 15 families doing this = State of the art WtE Plant for tonnes/year
VVSG - Motivating the public (3) We give feedback on the collection results of the last year Show the public what happens with their waste Pas aan bij: Invoegen / Koptekst en Voettekst
VVSG - Motivating the public (4) On a regular basis we organize ‘clean up your town’-days, involving volunteers Pas aan bij: Invoegen / Koptekst en Voettekst
VVSG - Motivating the public (5) Specific target group oriented campaigns Educational actions in schools Game on waste management for youth organizations Pop-up collection sites on markets Cultural and sporting events Consumers Pas aan bij: Invoegen / Koptekst en Voettekst
VVSG - Motivating the public (6) Providing a tailor made service with strongly individualized doorstep collection Paper and cardboard: every four weeks In some regions: VFG (at least every two weeks) Glass: monthly or in bottle banks Packaging waste: at least monthly (mostly every two weeks) Textile: 4 times a year or in street containers Garden waste: at least four times a year Metals: at least two times a year Re-usable materials: on demand Residual – not-recyclable waste: weekly Pas aan bij: Invoegen / Koptekst en Voettekst
VVSG - Motivating the public (7) Crucial role of the civic amenity sites >340 collection sites (1/ inh.) for paper and cardboard, glass, packaging waste, textile, construction and demolition waste, garden waste, metals, wood, specific dangerous waste from households, batteries, WEEE, large refuse Open certain hours, under supervision of municipal staff Pas aan bij: Invoegen / Koptekst en Voettekst
VVSG - Communication by municipalities (1) Annual ‘waste collection calendar’ Pas aan bij: Invoegen / Koptekst en Voettekst
VVSG - Communication by municipalities (2) Leaflets, information letters, brochures, … Pas aan bij: Invoegen / Koptekst en Voettekst
VVSG - Communication by municipalities (3) Municipal and intermunicipal websites Pas aan bij: Invoegen / Koptekst en Voettekst
VVSG - Communication by municipalities (4) Clever use of new media as an additional tool Downloadable waste collection calendars for mobile appliances (smartphone, tablet) Not only the organizations but also specific campaigns are present on Facebook Use of RSS-feeds on websites ‘my diftar’: Possibility to check on the internet how much waste you have presented for collection and compare your waste production with similar families in the same region allowing individual advice on better solutions Pas aan bij: Invoegen / Koptekst en Voettekst
VVSG - National communication campaigns Pas aan bij: Invoegen / Koptekst en Voettekst
VVSG - Involving and motivating the municipalities (1) Legal certainty Clear targets Clear messages Clear planning of the policy Clear planning of the necessary treatment capacities Gradual introduction of landfill and incineration bans Financially supported local policy Subsidizing of local authorities Voluntary environmental covenant Pas aan bij: Invoegen / Koptekst en Voettekst
VVSG - Involving and motivating the municipalities (2) Taxes and gate fees for landfilling and incineration Pas aan bij: Invoegen / Koptekst en Voettekst Year1977 (euro / tonne) 2013 (euro / tonne) Illegal activities0 2,5 – 4 173,56 Landfilling of combustible waste ,78 50 Incineration of household waste 0 12,5 8, Since 2006: no more landfilling of combustible household waste in Flanders!
VVSG - Conclusions Basically three kind of instruments: Social Legal Financial Continuous use of a mix of this instruments on all levels Important: providing a good service based on local demands (don’t harass the population) Similar measures for population, companies and industry Pas aan bij: Invoegen / Koptekst en Voettekst