Mindsets: Developing Talent Through a Growth Mindset Center for Confidence Growing Success September 18, 2008
“I don’t divide the world into the weak and the strong, or the successes and the failures… I divide the world into the learners and nonlearners.” - Benjamin Barber
Mindsets Fixed Mindset: Intelligence is a fixed trait …Myth of the “natural” Growth Mindset: Intelligence is a malleable quality; a potential that can be developed …Talent is a starting point
Mindsets Which mindset is correct? Which mindset is most popular? Do people hold the same mindsets across domains? Are the mindsets related to people’s ability? Are the mindsets themselves fixed or can they be changed?
What Do Mindsets Do?
Goals Learning is Most Important: “It’s much more important for me to learn things in my classes than it is to get the best grades.” Looking Smart is Most Important: “The main thing I want when I do my school work is to show how good I am at it.”
Pre-Med Study
Scott Forstall & The iPhone
Question “Who was the Union general at the battle of Gettysburg?” * Subject types response and confidence 1.5 s 2 s * Correct answer 1.5 s Ability-Relevant Feedback Learning-Relevant Feedback 1 s Paying Attention to Learning or
The Fixed Mindset Leader
What Mindsets Do Effort Beliefs Effort is positive: “The harder you work at something, the better you’ll be at it.” Effort is negative: “To tell the truth, when I work hard at my school work it makes me feel like I’m not very smart.”
Do Geniuses Work? Or Does it Just Come Naturally?
Anne Mulcahy: CEO of Xerox
What Mindsets Do Strategies Resilient: “I would work harder in this class from now on.” “I would spend more time studying for the tests.” Helpless: “I would spend less time on this subject from now on.” “I would try not to take this subject ever again.” “I would try to cheat on the next test.”
Math Achievement growth fixed
Fixed Mindset No Good Way to Recover from Failure Choose to repair self-esteem by looking at work of people who had done worse Choose to repair self-esteem by re-enacting strengths vs. repairing weaknesses
Negotiations (Kray & Haselhun) Negotiators with a growth mindset: Showed superior negotiation strategies Were undaunted by setbacks Were better at finding common ground Consistently outperformed those with a fixed mindset
How are Mindsets Communicated? Messages We Send
How Are Mindsets Communicated? Intelligence Praise: “Wow, that’s a really good score. You must be smart at this.” Effort (Process) Praise: “Wow, that’s a really good score. You must have tried really hard.”
Effects of Intelligence vs. Effort Praise Mindset: Fixed vs. Growth Goals: Looking smart vs. Learning After Difficult Trial: Confidence: Low vs. High Motivation: Low vs. High Performance: Decreased vs. Increased
Number of problems solved on Trial 1 (before failure) and Trial 3 (after failure). Number of Problems Solved
Lying Students who misrepresented their scores Type of Praise Given
Changing Mindsets
Math Grades (Blackwell, Trzesniewski, & Dweck)
Percent Identified as Increasing in Motivation
Replicated several times Reduced gender and race gaps in achievement
Brainology 5 Computer Modules Teachers’ Guide
Visit to Brain Lab
Mad Scientist
Brain Experiments
The Learning Brain
Have you changed your mind about anything? My favorite thing from Brainology is the neurons part where when u learn something there are connections and they keep growing. I always picture them when I’m in school (khadija) Yes … I imagine neurons making connections in my brain and I feel like I am learning something. (biggie)
Changing Mindsets in Organizations (Peter Heslin & colleagues)
Before Workshop Fixed mindset managers don’t notice improvement--first impressions last Fixed mindset managers don’t mentor their employees as much--people can’t change Fixed mindset managers can’t take criticism
Mindset Workshop for Managers Scientific article and video on how the brain grows with learning throughout life Exercises to instill a growth mindset
After After receiving a growth mindset workshop, managers showed greater: Openness to employee change Willingness to mentor and higher quality of mentoring Openness to critical feedback
Conclusion The belief in growth allows individuals to: Embrace learning Welcome challenges, mistakes, and feedback Understand the role of effort in creating talent
At the organizational level, a growth mindset organization: Portrays skills as acquirable Values passion, effort, improvement (and teamwork), not just natural talent Presents leaders as mentors vs. judges
Thank you!
Mindset Workshop What is an area in which you once had low ability, but now perform quite well? How were you able to make this change? Who is someone in your life who dramatically improved their performance? What did they do that enabled them to improve?
As a manager, what are at least 3 reasons why it’s important to believe that people can develop their abilities? (Include implications for both yourself and the employees you manage.)
Write an to a struggling protégé about how abilities can be developed.
Mindset Workshop Sometimes it’s hard to believe certain people can develop their abilities beyond a certain point. What are 3 instances in which you observed someone learn to do something that you thought this person could never do? Why do you think this occurred? What could have been the implication of your belief that they couldn’t do it?
Growth Leaders Finding New Streams of Revenue Identified 50 mid-level mgrs. who achieved breakout results Each had very varied early career experiences Deep belief in learning and change What a company doesn't know is far more important than what it does know