Statement of cash flows 现金流量表 Provides info about cash flows associated with the period’s operations and investing and financing activities. 提供某段时期的经营、投资和筹资活动的现金流 Numbers on cash flow statement are objective: cash is cash. 现金流量表中的数字是客观的:现金就是现金 Eliminates judgments and estimates involved with accrual accounting and the income statement and balance sheet. 消除用权责发生制编制 IS 和 BS 的估计和判断 11-2
Statement of Cash Flows: 2 Categories of Activities 现金流量表中的 2 类经济活动 Sources = activities that generate cash. 来源 = 产生现金的经济活动 Uses = activities that involve spending cash 运用 = 使用现金的经济活动 11-3
Statement of Cash Flows: Categories Required by GAAP Operating activities 经营活动 Investing activities 投资活动 Financing activities 筹资活动 11-4
2 Approaches to Presenting Cash Flows from Operating Activities 经营活动中 2 种表达方法 Direct method. 直接法 Indirect method. 间接法 11-5
Operating Activities: Summary 经营活动小结 11-6 净收益净收益 折旧费用 递延税增加 应收款减少 存货减少 预付款减少 应付款增加 处置损失 折旧费用 递延税减少 应收款增加 存货增加 预付款增加 应付款减少 处置收益 经营活动 净现金流 由净收益计算经营现金流
11-7 Preparation of the Cash Flow Statement 现金流量表的编制 See p271 表 11-6
11-8 Summary of Cash Flow Statement 现金流量表小结 Adjust net income to CF from operating activities (as discussed earlier). 调整净收益形成 CF 的经营活动现金流 Identify investing activities. (Don’t include portions of acquisitions financed by a liability.) 识别投资活动 Identify financing activities. (Don’t include conversion of convertible securities.) 识别筹资活动 Sum three sections, add to beginning cash balance to determine ending balance. 汇总三个部分,加上期初现金得到期末现金
11-9 Analysis of Cash Flow Statement 现金流量表的分析 Sources and uses calculated as a percent of total sources. 现金实现比率
13-10 Illustration 13-1 factors affecting return in investment *numbers based on 2006 data in F company See p317 图 13-1
Summary of Ratio 比率小结 See p 表 13-2
Summary of Ratio 比率小结 See p 表 13-2
Summary of Ratio 比率小结 See p 表 13-2
Types of Opinions 意见种类 Clean opinion: Financial statements materially conform with GAAP. 无保留意见:财务报表符合 GAAP Qualified opinions because of: 保留意见产生的原因 Lack of consistency. 缺乏一致性 Existence of a major uncertainty. 存在重大的不确定性 Doubt as to the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern. 主体作为持续经营个体继续存在的能力受到怀疑 Disclaimer: Unable to express an opinion. 拒绝表示意见:无法表达意见 Adverse opinion: Material departure from GAAP. 反对意见:公司背离了 GAAP 14-14
Notes to Financial Statements 财务报表附注 Integral part of financial statements. 财务报表的构成部分 First note summarizes accounting policies. Basis of consolidation, depreciation and inventory methods,…. 第一条概括了遵循的会计政策:合并基础,折旧方法,存货计价等 Other notes: 其他注释 Details of long-term debt. 长期负债 Composition of inventory. 存货的构成 Reconciliation of book to federal tax rate. 对公司账面税率和联邦所得税率的差异进行调整 Details of deferred taxes. 递延税的详细情况 14-15
Comparative Statements 比较报表 Required in addition to current year’s: 除了本年度报表之外还包括: Previous year’s balance sheet. 上一年的资产负债表 Previous two years’ income and cash flow statements. 前两年的损益表和现金流量表 Most companies include summaries of important financial info for past five or ten years. 许多公司年报中 还包括过去 5 年或 10 年财务报表重要科目的汇总 Only restated for specified changes in accounting principles. 对以前的年度报表中特素的变化进行重述 14-16