Harmonised relay services The work of STF 325 A project funded by ETSI and the European Union W J Mellors C.Eng
STF 325 "Relay Services"2 The Team Wally Mellors - STF leader Gunnar Hellström Juan Calero González
STF 325 "Relay Services"3 This presentation Will describe the problem Set out the aims of the work Describe the background Look at the future Make a call for help
STF 325 "Relay Services"4 The Problem Many users are unable to use ordinary telephones because of their inability to hear and/or speak They can use some form of textphone or total communication to “talk” or sign to one another They cannot communicate with users of ordinary telephones Some form of conversion service is therefore required These services are known as Relay Services Harmonisation of these services will improve European wide communication for all
STF 325 "Relay Services"5 Present Aims In 2000, TC HF produced TR giving guidelines for relay services Report was based on PSTN for text and ISDN for video The aim of the present work is to convert this report to an ETSI standard A standard will not be accepted and used unless it is realistic and achievable This will need co-operation from all current relay service providers
STF 325 "Relay Services"6 Present situation Much has changed since the year 2000 New IP based systems are available Updating will be necessary But mandatory requirements must be currently achievable IP based systems need proving All will be explored with current service providers
STF 325 "Relay Services"7 What is needed Conversation in real time by text and voice Duplex working (two way simultaneous) Simple call set up and clear down Progress information in text form Provision of relay services Access to emergency services Provision for signing and lipreading Just like an ordinary telephone call
STF 325 "Relay Services"8 The DUST concept D - Duplex – simultaneous send and receive U – Universal - Worldwide on all networks S – Speech in both directions T – Text with conversational flow
STF 325 "Relay Services"9 Services Basic call Supplementary services. Hold, transfer, etc Emergency service 112 Relay service with text support Text <> voice Hard to understand speech <> clear speech Sign language <> voice Interoperability between DUST Host environments Interoperability with legacy systems
STF 325 "Relay Services"10 Text goes mobile Push from USA to include real time text in mobile services 3GPP established Global Text Telephony standards for text addition to all call environments with international applicability In the circuit switched voice calls In the circuit switched multimedia calls In IP multimedia calls Mainly re-using work from ITU and IETF Now adopted as ETSI specifications
STF 325 "Relay Services"11 The Future Text Conversation available to ALL Across all networks Using open and available standards All terminals interwork Full legacy support Texting anywhere anytime With voice available And with Video for signing and lipreading
STF 325 "Relay Services"12 This is the future
STF 325 "Relay Services"13 A call for help Can you tell us of current relay service providers? Do you wish to be a stakeholder ? Please contact me at:
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