B Physics, Direct Dark Matter detection and Supersymmetric Higgs Searches at Colliders Marcela Carena Theoretical Physics Department, Fermilab Physics Department and Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago Advanced Topics on Flavor Physics at KITPC/ITP-CAS Beijing, July 16, 2008
Based on: M.C., D. Garcia, U. Nierste and C. Wagner Nucl. Phys. B577, 2000 Phys. Lett. B499, 2001 M.C., S.Heinemeyer, C. Wagner and G. Weiglein Eur.Phys. J.C45, 2006 M.C., A. Menon, R. Noriega, A Szynkman and C. Wagner Phys. Rev. D74, M.C., D. Hooper and P, Skands Phys. Rev. Lett.97, M.C., D. Hooper, A. Vallinoto Phys. Rev. D75, 2007 M.C., A. Menon and C. Wagner arXiv: [hep-ph] and in preparation
Outline Introduction ==> The connection between Higgs and Flavor Physics -- The Flavour issue in Supersymmetry ==> Minimal Flavor Violation (MFV) The MSSM Higgs Bosons -- the impact of radiative corrections on Higgs-fermion couplings: Flavor conserving and FCNC effects Non-SM-like MSSM Higgs searches at the TeVatron and the LHC B physics and Higgs Searches at Colliders -- correlation between Bs mixing and -- the impact of rare decays: on direct MSSM Higgs searches B and Higgs Physics interplay with Direct Dark Matter Searches
The Standard Model The Standard Model A quantum theory that describes how all known fundamental particles interact via the strong, weak and electromagnetic forces A gauge field theory with a symmetry groupMatter fields : 3 families of quarks and leptons with the same quantum numbers under the gauge groups 12 fundamental gauge fields: 8 gluons, 3 ‘s and and 3 gauge couplings: Force Carriers: SM particle masses and interactions have been tested at Collider experiments ==> incredibly successful description of nature up to energies of about 100 GeV Crucial Problem: The gauge symmetries of the model do not allow to generate mass for fundamental particles!
The Higgs Mechanism A self interacting complex scalar doublet with no trivial quantum numbers under SU(2) L x U(1) Y Spontaneous breakdown of the symmetry generates 3 massless Goldstone bosons which are absorbed to give mass to W and Z gauge bosons Higgs neutral under strong and electromagnetic interactions exact symmetry SU(3) C x SU(2) L x U(1) Y ==> SU(3) C x U(1) em One extra physical state -- Higgs Boson -- left in the spectrum Higgs vacuum condensate v ==> scale of EWSB Masses of fermions and gauge bosons proportional to their couplings to the Higgs The Higgs field acquires non-zero value to minimize its energy
In the mass eigenstate basis, the Higgs field interactions are also flavor diagonal Flavor Changing effects arise from charged currents, which mix left-handed up and down quarks: where The CKM matrix is almost the identity ==> Flavor changing transitions suppressed The Higgs sector and the neutral gauge interactions do not lead to FCNC The Connection between Higgs and Flavour Physics The Flavor Structure in the SM
Different v.e.v.’s ==> Diagonalization of the mass matrix will not give diagonal Yukawa couplings ==> will induce large, usually unacceptable FCNC in the Higgs sector Solution: Each Higgs doublet couples only to one type of quarks ==> SUSY at tree level Flavor Beyond the Standard Model Two Higgs doublet Models: Yukawa interactions ==> However: radiative corrections to the Higgs -fermion couplings Main effect at large tan beta ==> both Higgs doublets couple to the up and down /lepton sectors Higgs Physics strongly connected to flavor physics and to the SUSY mechanism.
==> For every fermion there is a boson with equal mass and couplings New Fermion-Boson Symmetry: SUPERSYMMETRY (SUSY) Just as for every particle there exists an antiparticle SUSY must be broken in nature: no SUSY partner degenerate in mass with its SM particle has been observed SM particles SUSY particles SM particles SUSY particles Contains a good Dark matter candidate Provides a technical solution to the hierarchy problem Is consistent with gauge coupling unification
The MSSM Higgs Sector: Two Higgs fields with opposite hypercharges
The flavor problem in SUSY Theories SUSY breaking mechanisms ==> can give rise to large FCNC effects Novel sfermion-gaugino-fermion interactions, e.g. for the down sector where come from the block diagonalization of the squark mass matrix Diagonal entries are 3x3 matrices with the soft SUSY breaking mass matrices and the rest proportional to the Yukawa or Off-diagonal matrices are proportional to the Yukawa and to the soft SUSY breaking matrices A d coming from the Higgs-sfermions trilinear interactions: e.g. for the down sector
At loop level: FCNC generated by two main effects: 1) Both Higgs doublets couple to up and down sectors ==> important effects in the B system at large tan beta 2) Soft SUSY parameters obey Renormalization Group equations: given their values at the SUSY scale, they change significantly at low energies ==> RG evolution adds terms prop. to In both cases the effective coupling governing FCNC processes Minimal Flavor Violation At tree level: the quarks and squarks diagonalized by the same matrices Hence, in the quark mass eigenbasis the only FC effects arise from charged currents via V CKM as in SM. D’Ambrosio, Giudice, Isidori, Strumia Isidori, Retico: Buras et al.
The Higgs Sector in Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) 2 Higgs SU(2) doublets and : after Higgs Mechanism 2 CP-even h, H with mixing angle 1 CP-odd A and a charged pair At tree level, all Higgs masses and couplings given in terms of and In most of the parameter space: ==> lightest Higgs: (SM-like Higgs) and At tree level, one Higgs doublet couples only to down quarks and the other couples to up quarks only Since the up and down sectors are diagonalized independently, the Higgs interactions remain flavor diagonal at tree level.
MSSM Higgs Couplings to gauge bosons and fermions Quantum corrections affect the couplings relevantly, yielding tanb enhanced Flavour Changing effects ! ( tanb enhanced) LEP MSSM HIGGS limits: 95%C.L. limits Normalized to SM values
LEP Excluded Radiative Corrections to Higgs Boson Masses Important quantum corrections due to incomplete cancellation of particles and superparticles in the loops enhancement log sensitivity to stop masses depend. on stop mass mixing After 2 -loop corrections stringent test of the MSSM
MSSM Higgs Masses as a function of M A Mild variation of the charged Higgs mass with SUSY spectrum m A nearly degenerate with m h or m H
loop factors intimately connected to the structure of the squark mass matrices. loop factors intimately connected to the structure of the squark mass matrices. Vertex corrections to neutral Higgs-fermion couplings ( enhanced) Dependence on SUSY parameters In terms of the quark mass eigenstates R diagonal Dedes, Pilaftsis Radiative Corrections to the Higgs Couplings
Flavor Conserving Higgs-fermion couplings In terms of the Higgs mass eigenstates:
Non-Standard Higgs Production at the Tevatron and LHC Important effects on Important effects on couplings to b quarks and tau-leptons There is a strong dependence on the SUSY parameters in the bb search channel. This dependence is much weaker in the tau-tau channel Considering value of running bottom mass and 3 quark colors
A)In the bb mode ==> probe large region of plane Searches for Non-Standard Higgs bosons at the Tevatron reach for negative values of Enhanced reach for negative values of Strong dependence on SUSY parameters Strong dependence on SUSY parameters M. C., Heinemeyer, Wagner,Weiglein ‘05 B) In the tau tau inclusive mode Important reach for large tanb, small m A Weaker dependence on SUSY parameters via radiative corrections
A)In the bb mode ==> probe large region of plane Searches for Non-Standard Higgs bosons at the Tevatron reach for negative values of Enhanced reach for negative values of Strong dependence on SUSY parameters Strong dependence on SUSY parameters M. C., Heinemeyer, Wagner,Weiglein ‘05 B) In the tau tau inclusive mode Important reach for large tanb, small m A Weaker dependence on SUSY parameters via radiative corrections
H/A Higgs searches at the LHC Searches for Non-Standard Neutral Higgs bosons at the LHC Enhancement of Hbb and Abb couplings by factor compared with SM Higgs. ==> large production cross section ==> decay dominated by (with different decay modes of tau leptons) Cancellation of effects ==> projections stable under variations of SUSY space: main variation ==> Robustness of results under variations of SUSY space ==>handle on tan beta M.C, Heinemeyer, Wagner, Weiglein Kinnunen et al.
Interplay between B physics observables and SUSY Higgs searches at the Tevatron and the LHC Important Flavor Changing effects: 1) tree level ==> charged Higgs induced via 2) tan beta enhanced loop corrections both in the neutral and charged Higgs sectors Indirect searches for MSSM Higgs bosons in B meson observables
F Loop-induced A/H mediated FCNC can affect in a relevant way: Flavor eigenstates mix via weak interactions 1) Bs mixing Mass eigenstates : Short distance QCD corrections Box-diagram CDF: SM fit :
2) Rare decay rate: Present CDF limit: Initial state Final state LHCb will probe SM values with a few fb -1
Loop-induced Higgs mediated FCNC in the down-quark sector Interesting correlation between SUSY contributions Negative sign with respect to SM
What can we learn from Bs-mixing? Upper bound on NP from CDF ==> How strong is the bound on ? For natural values of m A largest contributions at most a few ps-1 M. C., Menon, Papaqui, Szynkman, Wagner 06 A/H at the reach of the Tevatron or the LHC strong constraints on at the reach of LHC(b) with about 10 (a few) fb -1 SUSY corrections can enhance it by 2 orders of magnitude. Using CKM fitter Using UT fit
3) Rare decay rate Considering world average measurement, and large theoretical uncertainty 2 allowed range for new physics ==> Latest result from Belle & Babar ==> 4) transition Using HFAG average value: |V ub |=( ) x F Charged Higgs mediated flavor changing effects can affect: Misiak ‘06, Becher, Neubert ‘06
Similar to the neutral Higgs case ==> tanb enhanced charged Higgs - squark loop corrections If At ~0 + large ==> cancellations between tree and loop contributions possible, and small contribution from chargino-stop loop Misiak et al. ‘06 Becher and Neubert ’06 Flavor Changing in the charged Higgs coupling: Charged Higgs contributions to Suppression arises due to tree level coupling to Loop corrections induce coupling to
Flavor Changing in the charged Higgs coupling: transition In the MSSM ==> charged Higgs contribution interferes destructively with SM one. Belle + Babar averaged:
Large to moderate values of X t ==> SM like Higgs heavier than 120 GeV Strongly constrained by Tevatron bound, even for small M. C. et al. hep-ph/ and hep-ph/ Sizeable LR stop mixing small/moderate mu ==> B searches more powerful than Non-SM like Higgs searches Hatched Area: Allowed regions by Red: -- 1 fb -1 (CDF and D0 excluded) [OLD] -- projected 4 fb -1 at the Tevatron -- projected 30 fb -1 at the LHC Non-SM-like Higgs Searches and rare B decay Constraints CDF D0 B Allowed D0 CDF B Allowed
Small X t, sizeable ==> SM-like Higgs lighter than 120 GeV No constraints from Mild constraints from Important constraint from Important constraint from M.C., Menon, Wagner Strong bounds on SM-like Higgs from LEP Red: -- 1 fb -1 (CDF and D0 excluded)[OLD] -- projected 4 fb -1 at the Tevatron -- projected 30 fb -1 at the LHC ==> Non-SM like neutral Higgs searches can cover areas compatible with B physics constraints D0 CDF B Allowed LEP excluded 4 fb fb -1
. and the Scale of SUSY Breaking FCNC’s induced by Higgs-squark loops depend on the flavor structure of the squark soft SUSY breaking parameters If SUSY breakdown is transmitted to the observable sector at high energies M ~ MGUT, even starting with universal masses (MFV) in the supersymmetric theory: Due to RG effects: ==> L-H down squarks are not diagonalized by same rotation as L-H down quarks and this generates FC in the left handed quark-squark gluino vertex prop. to V CKM A delicate cancellation may occur between these contributions Ellis, Heinemeyer, Olive, Weiglein ‘07 1) The effective FC strange-bottom-neutral Higgs coupling is modified to:
If SUSY breakdown is transmitted at low energies: M~ MSUSY, the squark mass matrices are approx. block diagonal, and the only source of FCNC’s is the chargino-stop loop factor. 2) Flavor violation in the gluino sector also induces relevant contributions to As expected the gluino contribution disappears in the limit of universal LH down squark mass parameters: For non-zero mass splittings contributions are relevant for large tanb and the sign is governed by the sign of
B physics constraints on the plane for different SUSY breaking scales Independent of the scale at which SUSY breadown is transmitted Large stop mixing is disfavored ==> light Higgs mass below/about 120 GeV M.C., Menon, Wagner, in preparation Allowed in high energy SUSY: M = M GUT Allowed in low energy SUSY: M = M SUSY
Non-SM-like Higgs and B-meson Constraints M.C., Menon, Wagner, in preparation The effect of the SUSY breaking scenario in MFV YELLOW region: Allowed in high energy SUSY: M = M GUT GREEN (hatched) region: Allowed in low energy SUSY: M = M SUSY For M~M GUT, parameter space less constrained for large tanb: The chargino contribution cancels both the chargino and charged Higgs ones to Also, cancellation of due to mass splitting effect For M~M susy, parameter space more constrained for large tanb: The chargino contribution cancels charged Higgs ones to but very contrained due to non-vanishing A t
Non-SM-like Higgs and B-meson Constraints M.C., Menon, Wagner, in preparation The effect of the SUSY breaking scenario in MFV: case 2 YELLOW region: Allowed in high energy SUSY: M = M GUT GREEN (hatched) region: Allowed in low energy SUSY: M = M SUSY For M~M GUT, parameter space STRONGLY constrained for large tanb: The chargino and the charged Higgs contributions cancel individually, some contribution from the gluino to. Strong constrain from gluinos (no cancellation for At=0) to For M~M susy, parameter space less constrained for large tanb: The chargino and charged Higgs contributions to tend to cancel individually and no constraint for At=0 to
The Interplay between Direct Dark Matter searches Collider MSSM Higgs searches and B observables The idea of DM seems naturally connected to the phenomena of electroweak symmetry breaking
Direct DM experiments: CDMS, ZEPLIN, EDELWEISS, CRESST, XENON, WARP,… WIMPs elastically scatter off nuclei in target, producing nuclear recoils ==> dominated by virtual exchange of H and h, coupling to strange quarks and to gluons via bottom loops Indirect searches for MSSM Higgs bosons via direct Dark Matter experiments Uncertainties in the local halo density, the local DM velocity distribution and the neutralino couplings to protons and nucleons induce an uncertainty of a factor 3-5 in the cross section. Sensitive mainly to spin-independent elastic scattering cross section
Direct DM searches Vs the Tevatron and LHC H/A searches Both MSSM Higgs searches and neutralino direct DM searches depend on CDMS 2007 SCDMS 150 Kg Direct detection of DM detection of A/H at the Tevatron and LHC M.C., Hooper and Vallinotto
Latest CDMS and Xenon10 results start to probe interesting regions of parameter space
Direct DM searches and B observables Probes of low energy SUSY spectrum and SUSY breaking scales CDMS Excluded M.C., Menon, Wagner, in preparation GREEN (hatched) region: Allowed in low energy SUSY: M = M SUSY YELLOW region: Allowed in high energy SUSY: M = M GUT
Conclusions Non-SM like MSSM Higgs bosons ==> at the reach of colliders for sizeable robust results under variation of SUSY space moderate sensitivity to tan beta The Non-Standard MSSM Higgs searches at colliders are strongly constrained by B physics measurements and, with larger uncertainties, by DM direct searches. Supersymmetry is a leading candidate for a theory beyond the Standard Model ==> it opens the possibility of a more complex Higgs structure and connects Higgs physics with Flavor physics and Cosmology. If low energy SUSY is realized in nature, the interplay among these three types of experimental data would be crucial in pinning down the SUSY particle spectrum and, possibly, get some information about SUSY breaking.
==> Evidence for H/A at the Tevatron (LHC) predict neutralino cross sections typically within the reach of present (future) direct DM detection experiments. ( strong dependence) CDMS DM searches Vs the Tevatron and LHC H/A searches If the lightest neutralino makes up the DM of the universeIf the lightest neutralino makes up the DM of the universe Tevatron reachLHC reach
Flavor Changing in the charged Higgs coupling Similar to the neutral Higgs case, we have enhanced loop corrections which depend on SUSY parameters This type of corrections are most important in constraining new physics from and
Similarly to the neutral Higgs case, there are tan beta enhanced loop corrections which depend on SUSY parameters Charged Higgs searches at the LHC Much more robust under radiative corrections Including variation due to charged Higgs decay into SUSY particles for small mu M.C., Heinemeyer, Wagner, Weiglein
Discovery reach for a SM-like MSSM Higgs at the Tevatron The m h max scenario: -- Maximizes m h and allows conservative tan beta bounds -- enhanced due to factor for low m A and intermediate and large tan beta (analogous for H if m A suppression of The No-Mixing scenario: X t =0, M S = 2 TeV ==> lightest Higgs mass < 125 GeV ==> similar behavior for Higgs couplings to tau leptons, bottom quarks and photons. Tevatron may have sensitivity to discover all 3 MSSM neutral Higgs bosons with 4 fb -1 B allowed M h max scenario Red: A/H --> tau tau CDF D0 B allowed LEP excluded No-mixing scenario D0CDF
Nikitenko, ICHEP06 With K factors New Atlas study (30 fb -1 ) Atlas note SM Higgs Search Potential at the LHC NLO LO
First, full simulation analysis of qqH, H-> ->l+jet, First, full simulation analysis of qqH, H-> ->l+jet, Optimized Nikitenko, ICHEP 06 Optimized Nikitenko, ICHEP 06 The m h max scenario: Discovery reach for SM-like MSSM Higgs at the LHC with 30 fb-1 Production and decay channels: B allowed re-evaluating Higgs studies at present re-evaluating Higgs studies at present CMS Projections ATLAS Projections CMS covers small part of B allowed region, with, but, full coverage at 3-4 ATLAS tau tau channel seems to have full coverage with
The No mixing scenario: Discovery reach for SM-like MSSM Higgs at the LHC with 30 fb -1 Production and decay channels: CMS ProjectionsATLAS Projections SM-like Higgs needs di-tau and di-photon channels to secure discovery with 30 fb -1 some B allowed regions remain uncovered B allowed LEP excluded B allowed LEP excluded -- One can see a SM-like Higgs in the channel and not in the channel
Variations on the allowed 2 ratio on depending on V ub Much smaller excluded region for intermediate tan beta Stronger bounds on tan beta
Similar Studies in the CMSSM with NUHM show also the interplay between Higgs physics/B observables/DM detection Ellis, Heinemeyer, Olive, Weiglein Hatched region allowed by M h limit ELW observables, B observables, muon (g-2) and CDMS DM limit A potential signal for m A of order 160 GeV would also suggest a light Higgs just above the LEP limit Direct DM detection, and B physics signals of new physics around the corner
Cosmology data Dark Matter New physics at the EW scale Evolution of the Dark Matter Density Being produced and annihilating (T≥m x ) Heavy particle initially in thermal equilibrium Annihilation stops when number density drops i.e., annihilation too slow to keep up with Hubble expansion (“freeze out”) Leaves a relic abundance: Interactions suppressed (T<m x ) Freeze out If m x and A determined by electroweak physics, then Ω DM ~0.1 for m x ~0.1-1 TeV Kolb and Turner Remarkable agreement with WMAP-SDSS
The EWSB mechanism + Collider data Dark Matter EWSB scale << M Pl Hierarchy problem Precision data from LEP, SLD and Tevatron preclude the existence of new particles singly produced with masses below a few TeV To avoid major fine tuning in the EWSB theory Precision collider data predict the existence of a WIMP Dark Matter Quantum corrections to the Higgs potential mass parameter are quadratically divergent Need new particle/s with masses of order of the EWSB scale to cancel them NP f f Most models of EWSB introduce an extra discrete symmetry which predicts a stable Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP)
Non-SM-like Higgs and B-meson Constraints M.C., Menon, Wagner, in preparation excluded
Direct DM searches Vs the Tevatron and LHC H/A searches CDMS 2007 SCDMS 150 Kg B allowed region in M h max scenario: Hard for A/H searches at colliders, but at the reach of DM direct detection experiments B allowed region in no-mixing scenario: Good for A/H searches at colliders, very limited reach for DM direct detection experiments
LEP Excluded Radiative Corrections to Higgs Boson Masses Important quantum corrections due to incomplete cancellation of particles and superparticles in the loops enhancement log sensitivity to stop masses depend. on stop mass mixing After 2 -loop corrections stringent test of the MSSM
H/A Higgs searches at the LHC Searches for Non-Standard Neutral Higgs bosons at the LHC Enhancement of Hbb and Abb couplings by factor compared with SM Higgs. ==> large production cross section ==> decay dominated by (with different decay modes of tau leptons) Cancellation of effects ==> projections stable under variations of SUSY space: main variation ==> Robustness of results under variations of SUSY space ==>handle on tan beta M.C, Heinemeyer, Wagner, Weiglein Kinnunen et al.