Objective – Complete study and understanding of the Effects/Outcomes of WWI and begin to investigate WWII Agenda Reading Treaty of Versailles and Response Complete Cause/Effect Chart Turn in Work HW All Work from this conflict (WWI) is due by the beginning class on Friday March 28-9
Read the real treaty off of my website What countries demands are met? How does this treaty match/differ from the discussion that we had as a class What specific punishments are laid out for the losers of the war? President Wilson wanted war to end without victors. Do you think this war/treaty ends with a country or countries winning? If so, who wins? Treaty of Versailles
Read the German Response 1.How does Germany describe their country/government before the war? 2.How will the treaty effect the German economy? 3.How will the treaty effect German agriculture? 4.What does the response describe as the likely overall effect of the Treaty? 5.If you were German, and faced with these conditions of surrender, how would you respond to the rest of the world? German Response
Fill in the effects Sample Effect Geography – Germany had to give up colonies Explanation – The Treaty of Versailles required Germany to give up all landholdings for distribution and payment for the war. Open up your Cause/Effect chart for WWI
Your notes on WWI These should include Readings Questions Class Notes Notes from Group Work Notes on the Treaty of Versailles Cause/Effect Chart completed Turn In
Open a new Word Document and Title it Causes of WWII
Post-War Germany – Reading Assignment 1 Starting at the top of p. 905, Read and answer questions in writing as follows: The Weimar Republic 1.What problems did Germany’s new government have? Inflation Causes Crisis in Germany 2.How did Germany get into trouble financially? 3.How did these troubles affect Germany and the German people? Attempts at Economic Stability 4.What helped solve Germany’s economic troubles?
Economic Crisis – Reading Assignment 2 Read “Financial Collapse” (906), “A Global Depression” (907), “Effects Throughout the World” (908). Answer the following questions in writing: What action did the collapse of the American economy trigger in the United States. How did those actions affect the countries of Europe and the rest of the world? Why do you think Germany was particularly hard hit?
Rise of Fascism Individually read “Fascism’s Rise in Italy” (up to “Mussolini Takes Control”) on p. 910 and look over the chart on p. 911 As a group do the following: Make a list of the key ideas of Fascism Develop and have everyone write down an answer to the question: “Why might Fascism be an attractive idea for citizens of a country in economic and/or political turmoil?”